Deep in thought

I liked "Donna in the window light" by Thelensspot, and it reminded me of
a photo I took in November at a "Pioneer Village" near Orlando. Same
concept as Thelensspot's subject: a lady in a period costume demonstrating
an activity of a past period. (The hearing aid kinda spoils the period look!)
My interest, though, is not in documenting the facility. I'm more taken by
interesting faces and expressions.
Two different styles of photography. Thanks for remiding me that I had
this one in my files.
a photo I took in November at a "Pioneer Village" near Orlando. Same
concept as Thelensspot's subject: a lady in a period costume demonstrating
an activity of a past period. (The hearing aid kinda spoils the period look!)
My interest, though, is not in documenting the facility. I'm more taken by
interesting faces and expressions.
Two different styles of photography. Thanks for remiding me that I had
this one in my files.

Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida