>> Vote For Challenge 55 Winner <<

Equiessence - New Snow=Fun!

CookieS: New Love

kudbegud - A New Year Deserves A New Moon Too

zevy: new life

ginger55 - new bridge

shatch - My new toothless smile

vangogh: turning over a new leaf

4labs - resolutions

mitchell - new sunflower

harjtt - a new flame

CookieS: New Love

kudbegud - A New Year Deserves A New Moon Too

zevy: new life

ginger55 - new bridge

shatch - My new toothless smile

vangogh: turning over a new leaf

4labs - resolutions

mitchell - new sunflower

harjtt - a new flame

Vote for Challeng 55 Winner 133 votes
Equiessence - New Snow=Fun!
49 votes
CookieS: New Love
7 votes
kudbegud - A New Year Deserves A New Moon Too
11 votes
zevy: new life
18 votes
ginger55 - new bridge
10 votes
shatch - My new toothless smile
11 votes
vangogh: turning over a new leaf
4 votes
4labs - resolutions
12 votes
mitchell - new sunflower
9 votes
harjtt - a new flame
2 votes
Well I guess we all know who amadeus voted for
Congrats to all the finalists. This was a hard challenge and you all put forth very very good entries.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
It is always so amazing to watch the development of creativity and expression as these Challenges develop. It helps me to expand my thoughs and open my perspective. Thanks for the opportunity to learn from each of you!
Congrats to the finalists! Well Done!
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
congrats to all the finalists and well done!
so many different interpretations of the theme. its so hard to choose
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com