Turkey Run

Daytona International Speedway has been the site of the annual
Turkey Run in November for many years. It's been so popular that
they now have a Spring Turkey Run in March.
It's a car show and swap meet in the infield. I gravitate to the vintage
car section where I can see cars that remind me of people and events
in my long-past youth.
This shot shows the empty, but colorful, seats of the grandstand facing
the straightaway and finish line. A gloomy day with scattered showers,
but a lot to see.
Turkey Run in November for many years. It's been so popular that
they now have a Spring Turkey Run in March.
It's a car show and swap meet in the infield. I gravitate to the vintage
car section where I can see cars that remind me of people and events
in my long-past youth.
This shot shows the empty, but colorful, seats of the grandstand facing
the straightaway and finish line. A gloomy day with scattered showers,
but a lot to see.

Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
While I know nothing about adding effects and such, since you are expert at it, maybe some aging effects to make it look like what might have been....
I'm no expert, but I do love to mess around in Photoshop. An aged photo doesn't look
right in a modern setting, though. So I used another shot of that 1939 Ford and took
out the racetrack background and aged it.
Actually, a more interesting aged view might be to do this in color, but replicate a faded
Kodacolor print. I may get around to that later.
This photo interests me because we had a 1939 Ford convertible, but a 2-door. Pictured
here is my father, my younger brother, and me sometime in the early 1940s.
Take care,