color managment with photoshop elements
HELP!!! I've finally decided to jump on board with all the fancy color management stuff. Up unitl recently, I've just settled for whatever colors the 1 hour photo labs would provide on my digital prints. But now that I am going to start uploading my images to Smugmug for others to print, I want to make sure they get a image that looks as good as it can. The problem is, I am just starting to learn about ICC profiles and sRGB, etc... and I am working with Photoshop Elements 4.0. Can anyone tell me what I should do to get the best results if I plan to print to SmugMugs georgia lab? I already download the ICC profile, and I ordered a calibration print so that I can adjust my monitor. But I would greatly appreciate anyone that could walk me throught the steps I need to take from "opening the image" to "Saving the image." PLEASE ASSUME THAT I KNOW NOTHING!!!! I'd rather have too much info than not enough. Thanks
You've ordered the calibration print - great - make sure your monitor is calibrated to match that - use the esp icc profile to "soft proof" but you don't embed it. Make sure your files are in sRGB and you'll be all set!
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