Modify the Guest Upload Page

Can the “Guest Upload” page be altered? That is, for the "Upload" page that a guest sees when linking to SmugMug via the “Guest Uploading” custom URL, can the administrator provide a comment on the page that the guest can see?
I entered a Text block via “Content and Design” on the page that I can see. But when I logged off and linked to the custom URL for the page, I did not see the Text block.
Is there another way I can create a comment for the guest within SmugMug, which the guest will see on the upload page?
I entered a Text block via “Content and Design” on the page that I can see. But when I logged off and linked to the custom URL for the page, I did not see the Text block.
Is there another way I can create a comment for the guest within SmugMug, which the guest will see on the upload page?
Under the assumption that the current behavior is designed to enhance either security or manageability of the upload process, I'll just place the comments into the email that forwards the "Guest Uploading" link to the user.
Unfortunatley, the guest upload page cannot me customized or edited, Sorry. The best way to go would be to provide your instructions/comments to your guests when you deliver the upload link to them (via email, facebook, twitter, skywriting...)
One workaround that might work for you would be to create a separate custom page on your site.
You can title that page something like "[Gallery Title] upload". Then within that page, have a picture from the event and a text block with the info/instructions about guest uploading with a link at the bottom: “To start uploading your photos, click HERE”. Then connect that "HERE" word with the guest uploading page from the gallery settings.
I hope that helps! Let us know if you need anything else along the way.
SM Support