Spot Healing tool in Photoshop CC

In between the rain showers I spotted a couple of elongated springtails and a globular springtail too.
Of the two elongated ones, the smaller springtail to the left (not quite sharp sadly) might be Entomobrya multifasciata - the first time I think I have photographed one. The second one, on the right, is probably the more common Orchesella villosa.
The globular springtail is a regular in my garden, the Dicyrtomina saundersi.

Of the two elongated ones, the smaller springtail to the left (not quite sharp sadly) might be Entomobrya multifasciata - the first time I think I have photographed one. The second one, on the right, is probably the more common Orchesella villosa.
The globular springtail is a regular in my garden, the Dicyrtomina saundersi.

Brian v.
It doesn't... somehow I clicked on the wrong title (in Chrome, forums remember titles and list them as you type in title boxes, and "Springtails" is just underneath "Spot" so it looks like I clicked the wrong one!)
If Phil reads this thread, maybe he can amend the titl;e for me to "Springtails", lol...
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