Small cabbage white butterfly

Spotted a small cabbage white butterfly in the garden the other day. Although I did my normal very careful approach, it turned out to be amazingly tolerant of my presence. Partly I suspect because it was not that warm and the sun went behind a cloud.
#1 600D.Sigma 105 OS, all others 5dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash, handheld. All shots focus stacked using zerene.
Brian v.

#1 600D.Sigma 105 OS, all others 5dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash, handheld. All shots focus stacked using zerene.
Brian v.

Word gets around about free syrup handouts!
Lovely detail.
We seemed to get only the Green-Veined here.
Thanks for the comments SB and Harold
Harold- no syrup handouts used.
Brian v.