Ocean's Secrets

Found some new spots, revisited others and also reworked couple of previous images.
All criticism is heartily cherished!!
1) Rule of Odds
2) Primordial Soup
3) Dirty Martini
4) Fires of Mordor
5) Entrance to water world
6) Emergence
7) Sip of fresh water
8) Nirvana
9) Eternal Chasm
10) Last hurrah of the Sun
11) Rapture
All criticism is heartily cherished!!
1) Rule of Odds

2) Primordial Soup

3) Dirty Martini

4) Fires of Mordor

5) Entrance to water world

6) Emergence

7) Sip of fresh water

8) Nirvana

9) Eternal Chasm

10) Last hurrah of the Sun

11) Rapture

Also like the composition of #3, and the mist effect of # 4.
Would love to see the mist effect of #4 included in #3, if that's possible? Do the waves run up the grove at all? High swell and super long exposure - Bingo!
Thanks Carl! Much appreciate it!
The water does run up and the chasm and when I got there, the shot below is what i had in mind. I had two issues, if there was too much water it was looking blobby so I had to shoot many times. Once when the water level felt right, the light had dulled some, so I felt it lacked punch somewhat. The crashing waves onn the sea stack also left it bit muddy. However, have many plans for this spot......Cheers!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
It needs to be mounted huge and frame-less in a Fortune 500 boardroom - for the soothing, calming, Feng Shui... :feelgood
Can't thank you enough! Cheers Denise!
Eric, thanks for making my day! I reworked #2 as b&w....sort of seeing now what I didn't see before! Cheers!!
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
I can't critique these kinds of photos because they are above my _____ fill in the blank.
But let's say I am a buyer:
#5 I love it. Just make sure the trees are sharp as they can be (along with the rock)
#6 I saw this scene before. It looks like submarines. I wish the upper submarine was not clipped at her tail. Just a bit more room for both. Love, love the soldiers on the upper deck!
#8 is definitely nervana. Seriously... if someone wanted a near capture that would be it.
#9... a bit much mist for me but I love the vision!
# 10 has a bit of orten look but I personally think it works and gives a wonderful over all feel. Colors and all is great.
#11 the title says it... I will be raptured! the living waters feed the greenery. Life! Is this a color conversion? Even if.... a story was told...
Thanks JBR! Truly appreciate the kind comment!
Maui is full of these kind of places....I am sure you will bring us more wonderful scenes!!
Phil, I appreciate and value your input very much! Thanks! With all the fog on coast, I am starting to see things in b&w! Cheers!
Thanks Anna Maria! From the moment i joined, have learned from everyone and you are certainly one of my biggest inspirations!
Thanks for detailed input, I appreciate it more than I can express.
#5 - I have never printed, but that is great advice to have. I have heard you have to extra sharpen things. As for trees, I thing it might be deceptive as those are Cormorants that basically sit on top of it all the time. It was 20 min exposure and I surprised they managed to stay still for that long.
#6 Yeah I wish it was not clipped but it is connected to another rock.....;o)
#9 Yeah the smoothing of water motion is bit tricky and I think have to get lucky sometimes.....I have to try again...maybe 20 seconds next time..
I would have to look up what Orten is!
Thanks again! Nature is wonderful! It costs us nothing to enjoy it! Cheers!!
Keep it up, Taz, I'm enjoying the ride.
As usual, top notch work here Taz. I think it's a toss up between 5 & 7 here for me... really love them all as usual, but those are my faves of this batch.
How long of an exposure for 1, 2 5 & 6 (in general) were you using... also... were you using a big stopper to cut the light or were these during the less sunny portion of the day?
Thanks Anna Maria!
Thanks Tom! Your support means everything!
Thanks Lee! Can't say that enough to you!
Your work is amazing as is so I am sure with gear upgrade you would enjoy creating more of it!!
I did use big-stopper (10 f-stop) on #1 and #5. First one is about 4 minutes but #5 is so far the longest successful exposure I have had, about 20 minutes. It was pre-dawn fog, couldn't see anything exciting but it created nice bg, and low tidie created smooth background....just taking advantage of what was available. Lately, I have been relying on 30 second shots as light goes down.....or little stopper (6 f-stops).
No matter what, good light is the key.....in my view, no skill can substitute it....so just have to learn as much as possible about radar.....webcams if available.....and luck!!
Cheers m8!
But please be careful out there. Folks looking at these pictures wouldn't know how downright treacherous some of these locations are to body and equipment.
Link to my Smugmug site
Morning K-dog! It is great to see you here!
YOU KNOW I learned most of this from your guidance.....and hope to keep picking your brains!
Thanks forever!
The locations are indeed not friendly.
Even the waterfall location.....which I hope to go with you......had to overcome panic attack....as it is uneven slipper rock with incline, at edge of the cliff......if you don't stand at the edge, you can't see the waterfall........lets do it!
That sounds like a trip i'd like to join in on!!! I often hike some fairly treacherous trails in the Gorge up here with all the moisture making life slimy and slippery and some with loose dirt making slipping and falling a thing of ease....
I'd really like to see that waterfall locale... that looks like a great photo op.
If you guys plan to take a trip out there, let me know when and I can see about finding a cause for a "business trip".... it would be neat to have a group of Grinner's out on a co-op landscape shoot.
Outstanding work!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks Lauren! If only you knew what this means to me!
Thanks for sharing with us - since I'm landlocked here in Bavaria I really appreciate the chance to see my beloved Pacific Ocean!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks kindly Sara! Value your input greatly!
Thanks again Lauren! Can't say that enough!