photo protection
ok so maybe i messed something up, but the photo protection thing does not stop people from being able to save your pictures. when you try to right click on a picture in a gallery, the "this is protected...." message comes up, but if you first left click on a picture so that a larger size of it comes up, you can then right click on it and save it to your computer. how can you make it so that this is not possible??
Have you looked at the file you've saved to your desktop? It's called "spacer.gif" and it's an empty file... try it!
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No worries
And, if you put this in your javascript section of your customization, you can personalize the message! (of course, edit to suit you...)
rightClickWarning = "All photos are © Andy Williams - Moon River Photography. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is prohibited."
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hey, now that's useful. a personalized "leave my piccies the heck alone" message. :gun2
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Not only screen-capture, but people can lift the pics from their browser's cache as well.
There is no scheme that can completely prevent people from using a picture shown in a web-page for other uses. Watermarking works better for protection, but i just hate that large text through my pics.
Right click protection tells the viewer to leave my pics alone. If the viewer still lifts this pics out of the browser and uses it for his/her own purposes, they know they are doing someting wrong, like stealing apples at an open air market
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Andy, I have tried this (I have a sand theme at the moment with some customization) but without luck. I entered
rightClickWarning = "All photos are © Cameron Laird - PHOTOGRAPHER. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is prohibited. For rights usage contact Cameron by email or on 0418 238811"
into my javascript section of customization and nothing at all. I think I might be overlooking something regarding themes and customization. Another example - I managed to change the footer on my home to the mini smugmug footer however it is back to the large one on some other pages and some not. Is there a way to reset it all back to the original and start again?
Great if you could offer a tip!
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I'll try again in a few minutes....
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It's becuase you have APPEARANCE set to SMUGMUG in gallery settings. Change to CUSTOM on all your galleries
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Hey, I figured it out. I hadn't set each individual gallery to use custom theme instead of just sand. Is there a way to set them all in one hit rather than going through and doing each one at a time?
Thanks heaps Andy!
Smugmug address -
Too fast for me!!
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Hi andy
Instead of emailing, I have been looking up the answers in the forum. However, one thing I can't figure out. How do I type in the "copyright " symbol in JAVA? I can do it in WORD, but this will not work.
Mike M
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Under Windows, you can type the ©, by pressing ALT-0169, like this:
- Press ALT key (don't release)
- On the num-pad press:
then 1
then 6
then 9
- release the ALT key.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
See, I CAN do it.
(It helps if you don't leave out the zero.)!
I am not sure that I followed where it is that you do make the change to the right click warning
Holler if you need more help!
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Ok , I just noticed that Andy is away , sry
Anyone that can help me I would greatly appreciate it.
Is this where , I place this warning if someone should try to drag a photo from my gallery?
Do I have it written correctly?
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Thankyou Andy !
I didnt expect to get a response from you, arent you out of town?
Thankyou for your great knowledge and dedication!
To engage the image protection, you have to make sure you turn it on for the gallery. Go to customize gallery and, in the security and privacy section, set "protected" to "yes".
Then, when testing to see if it works by right clicking on those images, you should see your custom JavaScript message.
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Hi, Andy
I tried this, with no effect. Gallery appearance is set to custom and protection is on.
Here's the script I inserted in Java:
rightClickWarning = "All photos are © Dane Roubos, Inner-Light-Images. All rights are reserved, and unauthorized use is a no-no. You can purchase a 1MB digital for your own personal use only, for $20 by selecting "Digital Download" under "Products" in the Shopping Cart."
Firebug (FF add-on) claimed there was an error with this, & that it should have a ";" in front of the statement. I tried that, and even one at the end, but that didn't work either.
Any clues?
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Not sure what you mean by "profile-You!" if it is other than DrDane, which was in the last mssg I posted. ??? I don't see anything in the upper left of the dgrin page.
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As Andy said, we can't really figure this out without knowing what your web site is. But, I can see right away that your message isn't following the proper rules for the JavaScript language syntax. You can't have embedded quotes in your message the way you have it. The first thing to try is to change your message to something very simple that doesn't have any quote marks in it except at the beginning and end. Once that works, we can help you add internal quotations if you really need that. As it is, this statement creates JavaScript errors making it get ignored and potentially messing up other stuff in the page too.
Try changing your statement to:
rightClickWarning = "Do not do this.";
or something that simple and when that works, you can make it more involved.
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I fixed it for you, you had lots of extra " quotes in your right click text.
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Thanks for that, Andy! I noticed that there is a ; after the close quote in FAQ#20, but not in your Post#4 example in this thread, which is where I started this little adventure.
Took some lookig, but I finally found the You! and installed my site. I haven't used that drop down menu bar before - always more to learn!
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