Handmade - The Human Touch

In our modern, mass-produced, consumer culture, some things are still better done and communicated by the human hand - guided by our seemingly limitless imaginations and urge to create.
I enjoy looking for, and capturing, people working by hand...
1. The Wheelwright

2. The Artist

3. The Musician

4. The Blacksmith

5. The Weaver

6. The Entertainer

7. The Gamer

8. The Jeweler

9. The Interpreter
I enjoy looking for, and capturing, people working by hand...
1. The Wheelwright

2. The Artist

3. The Musician

4. The Blacksmith

5. The Weaver

6. The Entertainer

7. The Gamer

8. The Jeweler

9. The Interpreter

Eric ~ Smugmug
Cheers, Sara
I also like the close-ups best... And, my original idea was for only close-ups, but, decided to include other images for interest and variety.
I've also appreciated your images of your travels in Europe... I'm getting an armchair vacation!
Cheers, Sara
I think your observation is quite right Sara... we all seem to be afflicted with photo-itis... likely incurable.