
black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
edited April 18, 2016 in Other Cool Shots
I might as well try multi-tasking. This is my once-a-year effort at shooting flowers and has way more out of focus areas than is my norm. I like blur but LONG LIVE RUST.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.


  • StumblebumStumblebum Registered Users Posts: 8,480 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2016
    Really lovely!! Wonderful colors and comp! Soft bg making the subject shine!
    Cheers Tom!
  • redleashredleash Registered Users Posts: 3,840 Major grins
    edited April 17, 2016
    It's pretty but . . . I just don't think it's you. Now, if the flower was peeking up through a rusty grate, well then I could see it. :D

    "But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)

    Lauren Blackwell
  • EaracheEarache Registered Users Posts: 3,533 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2016
    That's a cool flower Tom! I've never seen that one before...
    Lauren may be right though - blur may not be your thing.
    Because, actually, according to B.L.U.R. (Blur Lovers United Regulations), bokeh is not officially blur... deal.gif sorry! lol3.gif
    Eric ~ Smugmug
  • roaddog52roaddog52 Registered Users Posts: 1,323 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2016
    Earache wrote: »
    That's a cool flower Tom! I've never seen that one before...
    Lauren may be right though - blur may not be your thing.
    Because, actually, according to B.L.U.R. (Blur Lovers United Regulations), bokeh is not officially blur... deal.gif sorry! lol3.gif

    That cracked me up! I was ready to give Tom a pass for his effort, but because of official regs, maybe not.

    Nice Flower Tom, Back to the drawing board for the blurred shot.

    I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going anyway.

    Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2016
    I sure appreciate all the comments folks. Not being one to openly flaunt the law and regulations, I shall henceforth refrain from submitting any shot that may even be slightly construed as running afoul of the dreaded B.L.U.R. Best I stick to something else.....long live KING RUST. wings.gif

    Y'all take care,

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • JuanoJuano Registered Users Posts: 4,891 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2016
    May I suggest a blurry barn my friend?
  • DonRicklinDonRicklin Registered Users Posts: 5,551 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2016
    Juano wrote: »
    May I suggest a blurry barn my friend?
    Or at least Rusty old farm implements! mwink.gifdeal.gifwings.gifthumb.gif

    Lovely Bokeh on the flower! :D

    Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
    'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
    My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2016
    Juano wrote: »
    May I suggest a blurry barn my friend?

    Mercy, Cristóbal, that suggestion may border on being sacrilegious....what with old barns having almost deity status in the scheme of things. At least in my world. :D

    BTW...I knew full well that trying to pass off the bokeh for blurring in the shot was risky...at best. Got caught. Red handed. Can't squeal when justice prevails.

    At least I was able to dispense with that blooming ( no pun intended ) flower shot I got committed to a long time ago. I still blame Randy for that.

    Great to hear from you, my friend,

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2016
    DonRicklin wrote: »
    Or at least Rusty old farm implements! mwink.gifdeal.gifwings.gifthumb.gif

    Lovely Bokeh on the flower! :D


    Boy, Don, I hit the mother load of old farm implements last month while up in the mountains. Over the years, I had seen a couple of ancient tractors and tillers sitting at this place. I finally weaseled my way deeper into the property and was literally stunned at the sight. There were at least 100 pieces of old equipment....many mechanized....spread over a quite sizable hillside. It was lousy weather and I only got a few shots just to more or less document the site. I now have a welcome, though, to visit the place any time I want and shoot till my hearts content. Darlene said she'd be happy when I quit frothing at the mouth.

    See you buddy,

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • JuanoJuano Registered Users Posts: 4,891 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2016
    Mercy, Cristóbal, that suggestion may border on being sacrilegious....what with old barns having almost deity status in the scheme of things. At least in my world. :D

    BTW...I knew full well that trying to pass off the bokeh for blurring in the shot was risky...at best. Got caught. Red handed. Can't squeal when justice prevails.

    At least I was able to dispense with that blooming ( no pun intended ) flower shot I got committed to a long time ago. I still blame Randy for that.

    Great to hear from you, my friend,


    Too funny!!rolleyes1.gifrofl Always good to see you around here my friend.
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