File Names Appear in Keyword positon
When I upload an image to Smugmug, the early part of the filename (the picture number as modified by my loading program appears in the keyword position. I would like to enter descriptions and keywords in photoshop so they can be used not only in Smugmug, but also in my Thumbs+ database. If I don't enter the keywords ahead of time, then when I load the image in Smugmug, I can cler the keyword field. However this way I have to load the image in Smugmug without a keyword, clear the field,and enter the correct keyword. I then have to enter it again in PS or T+. Is there some way that Smugmug can not place the file name in the keyword field?
Canon 20D
Canon EF 17-40 f:/4 L
Canon EF 24 - 105 f:/4 LIS
Canon EF 70-200 F:/2.8 L IS
Canon EF 24-70 F:2.8L
Sigma 80 - 400 f:/4/5.6 OS
Sigma 105 f:/2.8 macro
Canon 20D
Canon EF 17-40 f:/4 L
Canon EF 24 - 105 f:/4 LIS
Canon EF 70-200 F:/2.8 L IS
Canon EF 24-70 F:2.8L
Sigma 80 - 400 f:/4/5.6 OS
Sigma 105 f:/2.8 macro
To save you time, SmugMug also inspects your photo's filenames. IMG_9107 will be ignored. Auckland_9107 will be tagged with the keyword Auckland. Are you seeing something different? Can you be more specific, with examples... thanks.
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See Look under "Edit Captions and Keywords (bulk). You can see the filename, the desired keywords Rose Parade, and the first part of the filename right under it. I'm going to fill the gallery shortly but I won't change the keywords as loaded until you have seen them. Let me know.
Canon 20D
Canon EF 17-40 f:/4 L
Canon EF 24 - 105 f:/4 LIS
Canon EF 70-200 F:/2.8 L IS
Canon EF 24-70 F:2.8L
Sigma 80 - 400 f:/4/5.6 OS
Sigma 105 f:/2.8 macro
Hi, Terry - I need a gallery& photo link, not a single photo link - thanks!
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Here is the whole gallery I just uploaded.
And here is a link to a photo in the gallery.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Canon 20D
Canon EF 17-40 f:/4 L
Canon EF 24 - 105 f:/4 LIS
Canon EF 70-200 F:/2.8 L IS
Canon EF 24-70 F:2.8L
Sigma 80 - 400 f:/4/5.6 OS
Sigma 105 f:/2.8 macro
As described in our help pages on keywords, the numbers will be ignored, and not seen, by anyone but you if you are editing them. You can just ignore those numbers in your keyword edit box, just like we do:D
here's what the edit keywords box looks like:
and here's what the page looks like to the outside world:
I hope this helps, holler back with more questions if you have them..
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Canon 20D
Canon EF 17-40 f:/4 L
Canon EF 24 - 105 f:/4 LIS
Canon EF 70-200 F:/2.8 L IS
Canon EF 24-70 F:2.8L
Sigma 80 - 400 f:/4/5.6 OS
Sigma 105 f:/2.8 macro
You're very welcome! Glad I was able to help
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That doesn't solve the problem though. My photos have text in them that get imported and show up in the list of keywords. Furthermore, I have many keywords with numbers in them. When I enter them offline in an metadata editor (e.g. Bridge), they don't show up in the keyword list. If you look at any site that aggregates tags, year numbers are always ranked high. My daughter's name has a number in it. I've read about many pros that want to sell photos tagged with things like sailboat sail #s. Sure, these can be done by putting them in quotes, but that obviates the advantage of offline editing of IPTC data. Furthermore, smugmug handles quotes and commans inconsistently--sometimes the keywords show up, sometimes they don't (and it's not just a matter of waiting for the back end to catch up). And finally, my filenames are very long (I have a system I've used for years that works great). I wind up with alot of junk numbers in my tags--they don't show up in the UI, but they are a royal PITA to work with when trying to fix all the other problems.
FWIW, here's what I would recommend to fix smugmug's badly broken keyword system:
- Ditch the filenames-to-keyword "feature". It's causing alot of people alot of problems, and I haven't read about a single person who likes it. Furthermore, I suspect that trying to accomodate this "feature" is causing alot of the other problems. TRUST ME--the user is not expecting bits and pieces of filename to get entered as tags. So don't surprise the user! (I went nearly a year before I realized my tags were full of junk from filename substring fragments.)
- If a keyword exists in the keyword entry box, do whatever is necessary to make sure it shows up on the UI as well. Don't surprise the user! If the user enters in a number (in the web interface or offline in IPTC data), then bloody well show it! Don't force him to jump through hoops.
- Allow any combination of quotes, commas, and/or semi-colons--or not, within intuitive logical constraints. For example:
- And make the largest size image preview that's not full-size, completely defineable by the user (even if he wants 99% of original). OK I know that's not a keyword issue. But 800px is rediculously small, no one can get immersed in an image that tiny.
I look forward to seeing my suggested changes soon! Thanks!x-ray 0389 "salem, OR"
bob; joe, sam
grizly black, brown polar
"africa", usa "australia"
"peggy sue" "john adams"
peggy sue, john adams, britney spears
(I realize these aren't necessarily obvious--but as long as they are consistent, users can extrapolate the whole set of rules from a tolerably few trials-and-errors.)
Hello meat, thanks for posting. I've made sure that our engineers and Product Manager have seen your post!
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Well, I'm afraid if I were to TRUST YOU, tens of thousands of SmugMug customers who rely on this feature would be very very upset with me.
We'll continue to think about the problem, and thank you for giving us another data point, but simply dropping the feature, when it's such a well-used and well-loved feature, isn't the answer.
There are some very clear improvements we can make in other areas, though, and we're working on them.
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I'm a pro account holder who's in the processes of keywording thousands of images off-line and embedding the data into IPTC. As such, I'd like to echo (with exclamation marks) two of the suggestions from this thread:
1) Allow folks to opt out of the "filename --> keyword" automation.
2) If something's embedded in the IPTC keyword list, accept it as is, period. I need my numbers! :-)
The lack of these two features is really frustrating -- especially when they would at least -seem- to be very simple fixes.
That leads me to believe that the "exclude numbers" logic isn't done at import, but rather applies to everything in the keywords field regardless of how it got there. As such, it might be hard to handle IPTC-sourced numbers differently from everything else.
Therefore, I offer the following "low tech" suggestion to ensure verbatim IPTC keywords:
2 - revised) Upon upload and parsing of the IPTC keywords field, auto-add quotes around each IPTC keyword entry.
You could even make this optional, like suggestion #1. That way those of us using IPTC can check a configuration box or two and be happy, while everyone else remains affected.
- Jeff