Bug odds and sods 13-04

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden. Most have been focus stacked using zerene.
Brian V.
Peacock butterfly on a daffodil

2-Spot ladybird looking dangerous

Heliomyzid fly

Hoverfly Syrphus torvus warming up on my finger

Female bee fly

Large female chironomid midge on the garage door

Small weevil on Euphorbia

Brian V.
Peacock butterfly on a daffodil

2-Spot ladybird looking dangerous

Heliomyzid fly

Hoverfly Syrphus torvus warming up on my finger

Female bee fly

Large female chironomid midge on the garage door

Small weevil on Euphorbia

Excellent set.
Weevils are the zombies of the insect world, with their "lifeless eyes".
Thanks for the comments Harold and SB
Brian v.