Bug in LR Plugin?

During some experimentation with smart galleries I found the following:
1. I added a keyword (which also is the selector to a smart gallery that I have just built)
2. I send an update for the galleries in which these photos were found (almost all) via the LR plugin.
=> 3. Some but not all photos got their keyword list updated correctly. (14 out of 21)
4. I marked large galleries for "Republishment" and clicked "Publish" => nothing changed in the keywords
5. I selected all photos with that particular keyword and send them through "Mark for Republishing -> Publish"
6. I repeated those steps a hell lot of times (getting late here)
7. After I didn't count how many updates I made (and yes Keywords is crossed off as a selector for modifications in the LR Plugin settings)...now 15 photos show in that particular smart gallery...
(Should you be able to see 20 here: http://www.lilleulven.com/Photos/Portfolio/n-M9VXNm/ than it was finally after even more rounds of republishing successfully)
System used:
Mac OSX 10.11.4 El Captain
LR CC 2015.5
LR Plugin from Smugmug website version 3.0.6
And no, I haven't used more than 50 keywords for the remaining files...
Currently missing are:
Could some wise people please have a look?
I'll try to run a re-sync when I get back from work later.
Have a good night & thanks for your help!
Lille Ulven
During some experimentation with smart galleries I found the following:
1. I added a keyword (which also is the selector to a smart gallery that I have just built)
2. I send an update for the galleries in which these photos were found (almost all) via the LR plugin.
=> 3. Some but not all photos got their keyword list updated correctly. (14 out of 21)
4. I marked large galleries for "Republishment" and clicked "Publish" => nothing changed in the keywords
5. I selected all photos with that particular keyword and send them through "Mark for Republishing -> Publish"
6. I repeated those steps a hell lot of times (getting late here)
7. After I didn't count how many updates I made (and yes Keywords is crossed off as a selector for modifications in the LR Plugin settings)...now 15 photos show in that particular smart gallery...
(Should you be able to see 20 here: http://www.lilleulven.com/Photos/Portfolio/n-M9VXNm/ than it was finally after even more rounds of republishing successfully)
System used:
Mac OSX 10.11.4 El Captain
LR CC 2015.5
LR Plugin from Smugmug website version 3.0.6
And no, I haven't used more than 50 keywords for the remaining files...
Currently missing are:
Could some wise people please have a look?
I'll try to run a re-sync when I get back from work later.
Have a good night & thanks for your help!
Lille Ulven
https://www.lilleulven.smugmug.com - The Photos of my travels
OK, the sync clearly helped. But so did a closer look into what was actually published and what was not.
Yet still occasionally it takes two or more rounds of republishing after a keyword change before the actual keyword change is visible on Smugmug as well.
So...conclusion: I got all the photos synced that I needed to, yet occasionally it should be easier...
Good news: Syncing against panoramas (DNG) and HDR (tif) worked super nice and easy!
Good night
Lille Ulven
I do this all the time with keywords (here specifically) and in fact just sent some more up. I've updated them both before sending initially and just changing keywords. I just sent up about 50 from tonight. I've seen some delay in them updating, but usually minutes (maybe 15-20), but I have never had them not work. I'm not sure the smart gallery keyword processing occurs at the same time as the uploaded image gets the keyword.
Each gallery in that folder referenced above is a smart gallery taken from individual game galleries by keyword (actually from a synonym in the keyword). I've been doing it each spring for a few years now, and the ones in there now are from daily uploads over the last couple weeks, all have worked fine.
Two suggestions. One is to check the originating gallery to ensure it got the keyword at all, and the other is to try, with republishing but the one time, waiting a while and see if it eventually shows up.
But I do have another suspicion right now...the hard drive that has all my photos just waved goodbye to me from the distance, so it might be that it actually had some trouble when I tried uploading those to galleries too.
Note: I am trying my best to wake that drive to life just one more time, keeping my fingers crossed that this is going to work. The photos are hopefully super safe in several backups (online backups too), but there are a few files that I would like to rescue from that drive before reformatting it completely... We'll see how that works out...
I always said I liked a good adventure, this probably could become a bad one
I was correcting some keywords so I just tried an experiment. I added a new keyword to a photo with no changes in the image, and sent it up (i.e. just metadata). By the time I could navigate to the gallery and check the keywords in the editor, the new keyword (and synonyms) were there. I went to the smart gallery and it was not. It appeared about 2-3 minutes later (I saw it at 3 but had not refreshed for maybe 45 seconds as I was typing this).
So there is a small delay in the smart galleries, and I have a vague recollection it used to be a much longer delay (maybe it still is during busy times). But at least for me, today, no significant delay in the main gallery (again, Sunday morning may not be a busy time for them though).
Good luck on your disk drive. Bear in mind that there is minimal error checking on image directories (unless you are using something like DNG's AND using their built in integrity check). So there's an argument to be made that, even if you recover the drive, to pull down a backup as well and compare. Being quite paranoid about these things I finally wrote a program to do this for me with checksums; I've never understood why integrity checks are not built into LR, as it sure tries to be a DAM in all other regards. To late for this issue, but if interested Here is the project file
Well I have now ordered the backup drive as well, just to be certain that I didn't miss anything in the download process (or got a file that was corrupted during the download). So at least I will get some sort of reference material and something to go back to should things turn up later as not working.
So now the DNG validation is running...Keeping my fingers crossed it won't find too many corrupted files.
Your plugin looks good on first sight too, so I will happily install it as well. Better safe than sorry.
As of now I am considering to build myself a RAID 1 (mirror) system, that way at least if one drive breaks down I could get fast replacements by using the other one (or so I hope), while continuing to use the online backup, which now saved me from going mad...I really had other plans for this week than restore operations...but well I am glad I was able to restore (and even happier that I found out that the file I have been working on since December was not part of that failing hard drive as I didn't have it on backup...now there is a copy of course and it will get on backup as soon as the online backup company is flagging that they have created their restore disk for me).
Have a great evening
Lille Ulven