Bad light in Zion = Improvise

Had a quick overnight in St. George the other week and got out early for a few hours of shooting. The clouds didn't part so the light wasn't great. Worked hard to improvise and make the most of it. Cheers!
Photo Lego Dude was also disappointed with the light.

Photo Lego Dude was also disappointed with the light.

Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
--- Denise
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I've heard there's no such thing as bad light. I don't believe I, but I've heard it.
Cool set, thanks for sharing!
I'm pretty sure that's the eastern edge of the park, at the overlook. Down below is the road that disappears into the tunnel system over on that side of the park.
I only remember that I have photos from that spot, and there's a GIANT rock on the side of the hill in the distance that's nearly perfectly cubed. In the lego man photo the rock is blurred.
Yep, it is the Canyon Overlook with the much shorter hike. Goal was Angels Landing that morning but with the clouds getting up at 3am wasn't enticing. 5am was hard enough
Thanks Eia! The cool thing is none them were 'converted' per se as all were shot in camera as b/w with the simulated yellow filter (my fave) on the Fuji X-T1.
Good point, I guess I was hoping for more 'dramatic light' that morning.