Uploading in Smugmug via LR changes keywords!

GeorgespyrosGeorgespyros Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
edited May 21, 2016 in Bug Reporting
As i say in Title.

Keyword is for example, 21000, when it comes in LR, it becomes 210002C (it adds 2C in the end of it).

I tried doing it in other export functions, its ok.
It only happens when it has to do with with SMUGMUG & LR plugin.

Here Are my Settings. Please help because this is so frustating, and keywords are ultimately necessary for me.

Here are my settings

And here are 1 example of photo with changed keyword (see the LR keyword field, and then the smugmug keyword field).


As i said, in any other export operation, all seems ok!


  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited April 29, 2016
    2C is hex for a comma. I do not know what that means, but I think it's a clue, something about the keyword structure is being changed appropriate for display in a web.

    You hid the URL so I can't look, but can you see which keyword works in search on Smugmug? I.e. is it REALLY 00002C, or is it really 0000, or is it "0000," despite what shows?

    I'd also look at the Keyword list in Smugmug, check the options on that keyword. I see one listed as 0;20900 which looks a bit suspicious as well.

    Oh... I created a 12345 keyword and (re)published and it worked fine for me, the combination of the hext and that makes me suspect some setting or keyword setup, maybe something that came into lightroom in an import, something like that?
  • sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2016
    I wonder if it has something to do with the Windows character set / keyboard input language you're using... it's something that is sometimes an issue for me as I use a German keyboard but my Windows system language is English. Could there be a Greek character page in the background that's messing things up???

    -- Sara
  • GeorgespyrosGeorgespyros Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited May 17, 2016
    Honestly I had so much job, that i now relook at this problem.
    In the meantime i worked around that issue, by uploading manually my photos via an internet browser.
    This works fine.

    The issue i mentioned sometimes goes away if i mark to republish, sometimes not. It seems almost random!
    The files have their keywords imported by a CSV file. CSV files, do have a comma at the end. Maybe this comma is in the keyword, but doesnt show in LR. But it tries to publish it?

    I will look at it again and come back.

    Thanx for your help
  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited May 18, 2016
    Honestly I had so much job, that i now relook at this problem.
    In the meantime i worked around that issue, by uploading manually my photos via an internet browser.
    This works fine.

    The issue i mentioned sometimes goes away if i mark to republish, sometimes not. It seems almost random!
    The files have their keywords imported by a CSV file. CSV files, do have a comma at the end. Maybe this comma is in the keyword, but doesnt show in LR. But it tries to publish it?

    I will look at it again and come back.

    Thanx for your help

    I had an issue with this before, as I scraped keywords from a web page and found that the spaces were a hex A0, which appeared nicely as a space on the screen, but internally was a weird character that exploded into unicode when it made it into the actual keyword.

    Cleaning out the commas and anything not simple traditional ascii alpha/numbers may be a good start. I never found the culprit in changing mine (the importing program or the export), but making it a nice hex 20 instead solved it all.
  • GeorgespyrosGeorgespyros Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited May 21, 2016
    Happy editing!
    Release Notes


    Fix issue with captions and keywords on uploads due to server-side changes

    New update is out. Im going to try this out!
  • GeorgespyrosGeorgespyros Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited May 21, 2016
    Seems to be corrected.
    It seems it addreses this exact issue.
    Thanx Smugmug
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