Logged out every visit
tartan snow
Registered Users Posts: 52 Big grins
Every time I go on my site now I have to log in despite have the remember me box checked, I thought this was maybe a temporary glitch but has gone on for some time now and is most annoying. If I leave the site and then go back I'm logged out. Is anyone else having this problem?
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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I see the same thing, need to signin now and then. And this also applies when I use the Android app
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
Thanks for listening..
Sportsshooter.com Member
If I log in and close the program, it will open logged in one time, but the next time I open the program I'm logged out again.
It is a PITA!