Pollen Muncher

At last managed to get a free morning away from wedding preperations/decorating to go on a bug hunt 
Whixall moss in shropshire was the destination and along the canal loads of miner bees and a few Nomadas were feeding on the dandys .
Using 5dsr & mpe-65 managed a load of images , a first real go with this body for macro , it is superb!
5 frame focus stack .

and a crop , Well have to use 50 m pixels sometimes

Whixall moss in shropshire was the destination and along the canal loads of miner bees and a few Nomadas were feeding on the dandys .
Using 5dsr & mpe-65 managed a load of images , a first real go with this body for macro , it is superb!
5 frame focus stack .

and a crop , Well have to use 50 m pixels sometimes

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moderator - Holy Macro
Goldenorfe’s Flickr Gallery
Goldenorfe photography on Smugmug
Phils Photographic Adventures Blog
Brian v.
moderator - Holy Macro
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Phils Photographic Adventures Blog