Tabbed gallery blocks?
Hello everybody,
I would like to implement tabs to sort my galleries by years, and have each year in a tab, sort of like this:
I have seen code for tabbed text, but not for bloc content. Can this be done?
Also, I would like to keep those tabs and blocs at the bottom of the page; right now, I am using a spacer, but since those are measured in pixels, it is not a very elegant or practical solution, since it does not adapt to all screen sizes. Is there a way to relatively position a block on a page?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Website :
I would like to implement tabs to sort my galleries by years, and have each year in a tab, sort of like this:
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 | | | | | bloc | | | | 2012 bloc | | | 2013 bloc | | 2014 bloc | 2015 bloc 2016
I have seen code for tabbed text, but not for bloc content. Can this be done?
Also, I would like to keep those tabs and blocs at the bottom of the page; right now, I am using a spacer, but since those are measured in pixels, it is not a very elegant or practical solution, since it does not adapt to all screen sizes. Is there a way to relatively position a block on a page?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Website :
Are you referring to a navbar?
Or "tabbed pages" as in this code?
By, "tabs like in this example", do you mean the external link I gave you to Sherlock's code for tabs?
If I have that correct, then, no, you can't drag in a gallery block to each tab (because each tab is HTML- and CSS-generated). However, you could create an image that is a link to each gallery as HTML in the code. That would look and function like a standard SM gallery content block thumbnail. (If that's what you wanted - still not sure what you want!)
In fact you could create more than one gallery thumbnail clickable image for each tab - as many and at the size that you want.