A jumping spider lends a hand (or 8 feet ?)

I have a problem with my mason bee hotels in that they attract the attention of a small cleptoparasitic fly that lays it's eggs in the nest cells and the larvae eat some of the food meant for the developing bees.
I have been physically capturing the flies and drowning them when I see them but this kind jumping spider is also lending a hand.
One question form the second set of pictures- how does a spider jumping horizontally from a vertical surface land again ?
Brian V.
I think I can see one in there

Yup - told you

Another day another hunt

I have been physically capturing the flies and drowning them when I see them but this kind jumping spider is also lending a hand.
One question form the second set of pictures- how does a spider jumping horizontally from a vertical surface land again ?
Brian V.
I think I can see one in there

Yup - told you

Another day another hunt

Brilliant set!
Tells a story!
Unique captures!! Bravo!
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Thanks for the comments SB and Paul
Brian v.