Are you still using AJAX Crawling? The reason I am asking is because I just noticed "_escaped_fragment_" URL parameter appeared in m Google Webmaster' account. Since I did not manually defined this parameter, I can only assume it was created automatically based on... the content crawled.. which is your servers. So, before I remove that param I really need to know if AJAX Crawling is utilized by your code, please.
Thank you very much,
Are you still using AJAX Crawling? The reason I am asking is because I just noticed "_escaped_fragment_" URL parameter appeared in m Google Webmaster' account. Since I did not manually defined this parameter, I can only assume it was created automatically based on... the content crawled.. which is your servers. So, before I remove that param I really need to know if AJAX Crawling is utilized by your code, please.
Thank you very much,