Bug odds and sods 12-05

Some recent bug shots from the garden.
All 5dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash. Some focus stacked using zerene.
Brian V.
Hairy shieldbug on euphorbia. Dolycoris baccarum.

A GT rove beetle just landed on a wheelie bin lid

Tawny miner bee female feeding on acer flowers. These bees seem to specialise in hanging upside down from small flowers - they also like feeding on my berberis.

First speckled bush cricket nymph I've spotted this year and of all places it was on my car

All 5dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash. Some focus stacked using zerene.
Brian V.
Hairy shieldbug on euphorbia. Dolycoris baccarum.

A GT rove beetle just landed on a wheelie bin lid

Tawny miner bee female feeding on acer flowers. These bees seem to specialise in hanging upside down from small flowers - they also like feeding on my berberis.

First speckled bush cricket nymph I've spotted this year and of all places it was on my car

No nymphs here yet but today I saw Tortoise Beetles mating.
Brian v.