Visit to Highdown gardens

Natural light shots from a visit to Highdown gardens Worthing.
600D/sigma 105 OS.
Brian V.
Lord Snooty hoverfly Rhingia campestris on forget-me-not

A new shieldbug for me - a tortoise shieldbug Eurygaster testudinaria I think
A new jumping spider for me on the long and winding road

A rather large Empid fly

Hoverfly - Xylota segnis

One of the beautiful tree peony flowers we actually went to see
600D/sigma 105 OS.
Brian V.
Lord Snooty hoverfly Rhingia campestris on forget-me-not

A new shieldbug for me - a tortoise shieldbug Eurygaster testudinaria I think

A new jumping spider for me on the long and winding road

A rather large Empid fly

Hoverfly - Xylota segnis

One of the beautiful tree peony flowers we actually went to see

Nice set.
Good news and bad news about your shield-bug.
The bad news first it is not E. testudunaria.
The good news: it is the Scarce Tortoise Shield-bug Eurygaster maura, found mostly on chalk grassland, also on dunes. Very local and only in the south.
Distinguishing features: second antennal segment twice as long as the third and no central depression on the head. In my book, it has the additional white dorsal markings.
Brian v.