Passiflora aurantiaca by Kiron 105mm & Laowa 15mm
The plant is one I purchased this week for a local garden centre. It is not a species I have previously seen for sale. I planted it under a severely-lopped apple tree. As deer damage many of our garden plants, I wanted at least to get some photographs a.s.a.p. it seems a good opportunity to use the two lenses.
The Laowa 15mm gives its ultra wide angle effect best on full frame but this post shows some of what it can do on m4/3, where it acts as a 30mm lens with the x2 crop factor. Similar lighting (triple flash), was used for both lenses and the camera was hand-held. The widest distance across the flower (sepal tip to sepal tip) was just under 50mm, nowhere near the maximum magnification which is, nominally 2:1 on m4/3.
First, two images from the Kiron at f16, then two from the Laowa at f22.
Then, at the same apertures, a crosseye stereo from each, the Kiron first. They are from different viewpoints but that should not be much of a problem for comparison.

The Laowa 15mm gives its ultra wide angle effect best on full frame but this post shows some of what it can do on m4/3, where it acts as a 30mm lens with the x2 crop factor. Similar lighting (triple flash), was used for both lenses and the camera was hand-held. The widest distance across the flower (sepal tip to sepal tip) was just under 50mm, nowhere near the maximum magnification which is, nominally 2:1 on m4/3.
First, two images from the Kiron at f16, then two from the Laowa at f22.
Then, at the same apertures, a crosseye stereo from each, the Kiron first. They are from different viewpoints but that should not be much of a problem for comparison.

Thanks. That did cross my mind. With the bark background that would need a lot of work not to look messy.
Hopefully, there will be more flowers, the season allegedly being July and August. Ideally, I want the first one to open on a given stem.
This plant was supplied as a flat spiral around a tripod of canes and I don't know if this influenced the spacing of the flowers.
In PS first crop, then content aware fill repeated few times....
Cheers Harold!
Yes, I have used that to some extent in recent posts but I don't think it appropriate here. I think the additional flowers give the main one content. If you want to play with it, to ease your frustration, be my guest.
By the way, this is quite a rare species of Passion Flower and images are hard to find on the internet.
My attempt....
Nice work on the retouch but the result seems very contrasty, for example the highlight on the stigma.
I didn't touch any highlights or colors....only took out distracting elements.....because image is closer or bigger now...its showing up..... but that's the general idea....Cheers!
You probably thought too hard about cropping. Last night the local deer seem to have picked up the vibes and neatly removed all the newer flowers, leaving the ones which were past their best when we bought the plant. I want the seed capsules to ripen as back-up. (The plant is OK down to 0 degrees C but we get a lot of slight frosts).
I have, from time to time. I had the very best shot lined up when a neighbour and his dog startled the Buck deer.
I may have seen the culprit. Today a half-grown female Roe, which I had not seen before, appeared from behind a tree in that part of the garden and cleared our four foot garden fence with altitude to spare.