sculptures and flowers :: Bedrock Gardens

denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,409 moderator
edited May 29, 2016 in Other Cool Shots
Yesterday was the first open house of the season at Bedrock Gardens in Lee, NH.

I first discovered this wonderful place a few years back. The web site calls it "An Oasis of Art, Horticulture and Inspiration", and I'd have to agree. It's a wonderful place to wander through gardens containing both flowers and sculptures.

Imagination feeds a journey through the property...

Walk through an arch formed of tumbling (metal) people:

Sit and enjoy the peace of your surroundings.

Flowers and trees contribute color.


A bit of rust shows in this wall of moving shapes:

If you're anywhere near coastal New Hampshire on one of the open house weekends I highly recommend a visit!

More photos from my wanders there can be seen in the gallery Bedrock Gardens :: 2016.

--- Denise


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