Vertical align the logo text and the logo img
I try to vertical align this 2 elements ( logo text and the logo img) but impossible :
exemple on this test page (need a passwd, but we can see the header without password) :
I put border color on different block to test a lot of thing but impossible to vertical align the logo_text and the logo img on the yellox box.
( I used padding and margin on the .sm-page-widget-logo-text-container and parents block, but does not work).
I you have an idea ( the logo text is at the bottom and the log img at the top )
I try to vertical align this 2 elements ( logo text and the logo img) but impossible :
exemple on this test page (need a passwd, but we can see the header without password) :
I put border color on different block to test a lot of thing but impossible to vertical align the logo_text and the logo img on the yellox box.
( I used padding and margin on the .sm-page-widget-logo-text-container and parents block, but does not work).
I you have an idea ( the logo text is at the bottom and the log img at the top )
Thanks a lot