Emphasize Current Page setting no longer working
I noticed a small bug tonight, the "Emphasize Current Page" setting no longer appears to do anything. When browsing through my galleries with either setting (on or off), the current page is down a line and very large. I don't happen to have any actual proof that it used to work differently, but I could swear it did :dunno
I have it "off" currently, and always have. I tried the latest versions of FF, IE, Chrome all on Win10.
I have it "off" currently, and always have. I tried the latest versions of FF, IE, Chrome all on Win10.

My Website index | My Blog
line with the rest of the breadcrumb. At least when not using a cover photo on a Smugmug style gallery.
My Website index | My Blog
I do wish they would have fixed the "missing" browse level in the Bread Crumbs (e.g. Home icon [> skipped browse page (built-in or custom)] > folder|gallery).
Not my favorite set of changes but I guess I'll have to adapt.
Thanks again,
When I get time I assume it will have a class to adjust, but... ah, come on...sure wish there was a way to preview the new features and fix our sites before you break them with each release.
I also find that that if I check the "Select Gallery Cover Image" in GALLERY SETTINGS, the breadcrumb doesn't show the current page inline with the breadcrumb. I didn't realize the huge title was the rest of the breadcrumb. This breadcrumb has huge gap in it. I didn't get it, and it's my page. I actually love the new banner with breadcrumb in it option. But not being able to add the current page in the actual breadcrumb is a deal breaker.
NOTE: I found that for a page where I had selected a Gallery Cover Image, and had a second "Just this page" content block BREADCRUMB further down the page, I can select that breadcrumb and "Show current page," and it doesn't do so. It still shows the options for breadcrumbs, but none of them seem to be functional when a Gallery Cover Image has been selected for that gallery.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com