Rhogogaster viridis a Green and Black Sawfly
I was doing some weeding in our garden when I noticed a brightly-coloured and patterned wasp on the lemon balm plant. My thoughts were of Tenthredo sawflies.
It took me a couple of minutes to return to the house and grab my camera. I doubted very much that the wasp would still be there when I returned. To my surprise, it was and it took a leisurely stroll around the foliage, giving me numerous opportunities for images, some of them rather good.
The overall colour was green, with some yellow, marked with deep black. One of the specific characters is a long, evenly green (or yellow) pterostigma on the front wing.
This species is in the same family as Tenthredo, the Tenthredinidae. It feeds on a variety of plants and is supposed to be common, although this was my first encounter. It is certainly one of the most handsome sawflies I have photographed.
EM-1 (manual mode), Kiron 105mm at almost maximum magnification of 2:1 (with crop factor), f16, twin RC TTL off-camera flash, hand-held (kneeling on ground).
The stereo is cross-eye.
The sixth & seventh images show some of the bits of debris which make images rather untidy, even after cloning out a major twig from the seventh.

It took me a couple of minutes to return to the house and grab my camera. I doubted very much that the wasp would still be there when I returned. To my surprise, it was and it took a leisurely stroll around the foliage, giving me numerous opportunities for images, some of them rather good.
The overall colour was green, with some yellow, marked with deep black. One of the specific characters is a long, evenly green (or yellow) pterostigma on the front wing.
This species is in the same family as Tenthredo, the Tenthredinidae. It feeds on a variety of plants and is supposed to be common, although this was my first encounter. It is certainly one of the most handsome sawflies I have photographed.
EM-1 (manual mode), Kiron 105mm at almost maximum magnification of 2:1 (with crop factor), f16, twin RC TTL off-camera flash, hand-held (kneeling on ground).
The stereo is cross-eye.
The sixth & seventh images show some of the bits of debris which make images rather untidy, even after cloning out a major twig from the seventh.