Bug odds and sods 25-05

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden.
Brian V.
Small digger wasp Pemphredon sp.

Lace web spider with nomada bee prey.

Hoverfly Syritta pipiens

Holly blue butterfly in normal pose with wings closed

Holly blue butterfly in a very rare pose with wings open

Large Ichneumon wasp Amblyteles sp.

Mating 14-spot ladybirds

2-spot ladybird
Brian V.
Small digger wasp Pemphredon sp.

Lace web spider with nomada bee prey.

Hoverfly Syritta pipiens

Holly blue butterfly in normal pose with wings closed

Holly blue butterfly in a very rare pose with wings open

Large Ichneumon wasp Amblyteles sp.

Mating 14-spot ladybirds

2-spot ladybird

An excellent set. A very handsome hoverfly.
Thanks Harold
Brian v.