Earthquake damage

I was in Kathmandu in 2013
There was a large earthquake after I was there. I wanted to see and shoot some of the damage
The damage was extensive...

Survivors temporary housing...

A freak shot of a tourist

It will be a long time before this is repaired. Most of the young men in Nepal work in Qatar and send money home.
This is one of the largest segments of the national GDP
Governments around the world have pledged funds but Nepal doesn't have a large national labor force to get it done
Most of the building material is local made brick
A UN agency is investigating the use of child labor to make the brick for whatever construction is going on

One of the things that stood out to me at construction sites, was the lack of electric motor noise for tools - all done by hand.... very slooooo
There was a large earthquake after I was there. I wanted to see and shoot some of the damage
The damage was extensive...

Survivors temporary housing...

A freak shot of a tourist

It will be a long time before this is repaired. Most of the young men in Nepal work in Qatar and send money home.
This is one of the largest segments of the national GDP
Governments around the world have pledged funds but Nepal doesn't have a large national labor force to get it done
Most of the building material is local made brick
A UN agency is investigating the use of child labor to make the brick for whatever construction is going on

One of the things that stood out to me at construction sites, was the lack of electric motor noise for tools - all done by hand.... very slooooo
And #7 - he did that to himself on purpose? I want to see him in about 30 or 40 years when everything sags!
Book 2:
This has happened numerous times in the past in this region, and I fear this scenario will likely repeat
due to the inherent geologic instability in the mountains... tough problem.
That dude didn't end on his head... his legs were covered with tats also... unbelieveable..
The geologic instability is ever present... but buildings are being seismically built with good sense;
the last pic shows steel cages at the corners, they then make reinforced concrete floors with brick "curtain" walls
A step in the right direction...
These tipping building fronts are all over the place
I suspect they'll get another quake before they repair these
A catastrophe in the making...
I saw plenty of examples of people conducting retail business thru some of the tilting bldgs... pretty scary...
The money to fix the damage has been donated by other countries
The politicians in the government can't agree on how to spend it and/or do it... for over a year...