Mosquito Dahliana geniculata in Daytime
A couple of days ago my wife said that a mosquito had been flying around her. As it was the middle of the day, and on sunlight, I said that it was more likely to be a midge.
Yesterday, I saw a large individual (ca 7mm, from the image size) land on some sunlit foliage, where I have been finding various solitary bees and other insects. There followed an interaction where, alternating, it would hover facing me or it would land and I would try to photograph it. Although the initial landing was on the top of the leaf, the subsequent ones were on the undersides, offering problems with lighting. (Cropping was mostly to remove dark shadows).
I have identified the species based on it being common, its size and (mainly) the white "knees" which for which it is named.
EM-1 (manual mode), Kiron 105mm at f16, twin flash, hand-held.

Yesterday, I saw a large individual (ca 7mm, from the image size) land on some sunlit foliage, where I have been finding various solitary bees and other insects. There followed an interaction where, alternating, it would hover facing me or it would land and I would try to photograph it. Although the initial landing was on the top of the leaf, the subsequent ones were on the undersides, offering problems with lighting. (Cropping was mostly to remove dark shadows).
I have identified the species based on it being common, its size and (mainly) the white "knees" which for which it is named.
EM-1 (manual mode), Kiron 105mm at f16, twin flash, hand-held.