LR Plugin / LR CC issue during sync

I am not certain if this is a matter only of LR CC (2015.6) or if it is something that is caused by the new plugin version ( or I figured I add a post here as well. This is on a MacBook Pro Mid 2015 with El Capitan 10.11.4
I tried to synchronize my galleries with the named Plugin, and while it looked at first as if everything would go normal and I actually "was allowed" to match a couple of photos from my website with my gallery, suddenly and out of the blue LR crashed. I tried re-opening and restarting the syncing process, but again LR crashed. A reboot and well attempting it all over again later lead to the exact same crash.
I certainly hope that "whoever owns the problem" will be able to fix it soon
But what I would like to see here is if others of the same configuration have the same problem or if it might be even a system-independent problem...please just don't let me be alone with this one
Thanks for your attention.
Lille Ulven
I am not certain if this is a matter only of LR CC (2015.6) or if it is something that is caused by the new plugin version ( or I figured I add a post here as well. This is on a MacBook Pro Mid 2015 with El Capitan 10.11.4
I tried to synchronize my galleries with the named Plugin, and while it looked at first as if everything would go normal and I actually "was allowed" to match a couple of photos from my website with my gallery, suddenly and out of the blue LR crashed. I tried re-opening and restarting the syncing process, but again LR crashed. A reboot and well attempting it all over again later lead to the exact same crash.
I certainly hope that "whoever owns the problem" will be able to fix it soon

But what I would like to see here is if others of the same configuration have the same problem or if it might be even a system-independent problem...please just don't let me be alone with this one

Thanks for your attention.
Lille Ulven - The Photos of my travels
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Lille Ulven
Lille Ulven
And some more tests on the crash phenomenon:
1. Lightroom 2015.6 with SmugMug Plugin same kind of crash as with the
2. Lightroom 2015.5 with SmugMug Plugin no crash at all. (Different machine though too)
So either there is a change in the interface between Lightroom and the SmugMug Plugin that the plugin does not serve or there is an error with Lightroom 2015.6, I suppose.
Now I got to figure out how to downgrade LR CC to do some more testing...
Lille Ulven
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hope it can be fixed.
Thanks, David
Best regards
Lille Ulven
We suggest that you rollback to 6.5.1.
This issue has been reported to the LR development team.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Best regards
Lille Ulven
I've had the same issue with my plugin, and Lightroom crashing as you reported. Planning on rolling back to previous version for now.
As of today, I rolled back my version to Lightroom 6.5.1/2015.5.1 and it fixed the issue - the plugin works normally now. I am able to sync photos with my clients' favorites from their events without Lightroom crashing.
Here is the link to go to that page:
(previous thread had the letter "v" after the URL link, which caused a 404 error)
Note: Be sure to follow instructions closely on this page. You have to make sure you install exactly according to the steps.
I fixed the link the David posted above and removed the v ... so hopefully no more confusion!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: