Orange Garden Gnome Poppy
The "Garden Gnome" mixed colour poppies are a strain of the Papaver nudicaule Iceland Poppy. They were retailed by out local garden centre this spring. So far, we have had white, yellow or this orange open.
I would usually use either daylight or flash exposure. This was Aperture Priority with TTL-metered fill flash, a combination which I have neglected. I have reduced the brightness of the final image to the level I prefer for flowers. I corrected a tiny amount of motion blur.
The stereo is cross-eye.
EM-1, Kiron 105mm at f16 1/250 ISO 800, hand-held.

I would usually use either daylight or flash exposure. This was Aperture Priority with TTL-metered fill flash, a combination which I have neglected. I have reduced the brightness of the final image to the level I prefer for flowers. I corrected a tiny amount of motion blur.
The stereo is cross-eye.
EM-1, Kiron 105mm at f16 1/250 ISO 800, hand-held.

Thanks, SB.
I was unsure as to whether to clone out the small but bright flowers on the far left of the images. Here are versions where I have done so.
Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
My wife raved about the colours of these poppies until I agreed that we should buy some. The yellows are equally striking and I think my second series are good enough (pollen beetles removed).
My personal opinion is that the tiny flowers add to the 3D effect, which I experience as a frame-wide effect. I also found their positions a useful guide when selecting candidate frames for stereo.