Gallery Sorting via Title
Hi All
Unless I'm missing something obvious, the sorting of photos within a gallery is missing an important option.
As far as I can see, there are options to sort by filename, date taken, date modified, date up loaded, by caption or manually. The problem I have is that there is no sort by title available.
I photograph transport, and use a standard title consisting of operator, item, location and date - eg "Ryanair EI-DAN, Dublin Airport, 09-01-2016" (airline, aircraft registration, location, date). Generally photos will appear in two galleries - one for the trip, and one for the operator or type.
Trip is sorted by date taken. However, I want to sort the operator or type galleries by title, so that they appear in vehicle order. Caption I use to provide a description of the image, which by its nature is free text and is therefore not sortable - given the difference in size of the boxes, this appears to be the expectation of the programmers. I note that is the exif has a title, this is put in the caption box on Smugmug, which is illogical.
Of course, I could sort manually. However, even this is not straightforward, as the title of an image cannot easily by seen on the Organise screen; only filename is available (which in my case is a date / sequence based name for reference from external databases). This would therefore require two windows open and a lot of transferring back and forth - especially in large galleries.
Can I ask therefore that sort by title is made available as a standard option please?
Hi All
Unless I'm missing something obvious, the sorting of photos within a gallery is missing an important option.
As far as I can see, there are options to sort by filename, date taken, date modified, date up loaded, by caption or manually. The problem I have is that there is no sort by title available.
I photograph transport, and use a standard title consisting of operator, item, location and date - eg "Ryanair EI-DAN, Dublin Airport, 09-01-2016" (airline, aircraft registration, location, date). Generally photos will appear in two galleries - one for the trip, and one for the operator or type.
Trip is sorted by date taken. However, I want to sort the operator or type galleries by title, so that they appear in vehicle order. Caption I use to provide a description of the image, which by its nature is free text and is therefore not sortable - given the difference in size of the boxes, this appears to be the expectation of the programmers. I note that is the exif has a title, this is put in the caption box on Smugmug, which is illogical.
Of course, I could sort manually. However, even this is not straightforward, as the title of an image cannot easily by seen on the Organise screen; only filename is available (which in my case is a date / sequence based name for reference from external databases). This would therefore require two windows open and a lot of transferring back and forth - especially in large galleries.
Can I ask therefore that sort by title is made available as a standard option please?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
It's been a little over a year. Any chance this is coming soon?
And over four years later, still not done! Come on, this cannot be difficult to program. My "workaround" of effectively making the first line of the caption by typing a reference code of up to 27 characters is a poor substitute!