Sizing issue with Vimeo content block
I use the Vimeo content block several places in my site. When I have four of these content blocks side by side I can set the container width of each to 25% and they line up properly. However, where I have three Vimeo content blocks side by side, they don't. If I try setting them to 33.33%, I'll get two at 33% and one at 34%. Is there a way to get consistent container width with an odd number of these content blocks?
Here is the page in question.
Here is the page in question.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Similarly, I've had trouble creating custom layouts with Single Photo content blocks where I mix pictures of different aspect ratios on the same row, because only integer percentage values are allowed. It's often impossible to make the heights of all photos on that row match due to the integer rounding. For example, suppose on the same row I want to lay out two photos taken with an SLR so they are both 3:2 aspect ratio, but one is vertical, yet I want to make them the same height. The closest I can get is a Container Width of 68% for the horizontal and 32% for the vertical one, but their heights don't quite match. And no integer combination of Container Width percentage is going to allow a perfect height match.
(As to why I'm using two Single Photo content blocks, it's so on a very narrow screen such as a vertically held smartphone the row of two blocks will split and display on top of each other, instead of remaining on the same row and too small to see).
And while we're on the subject of video content block sizes, why is it that if I set three Single Photo or Vimeo content blocks to 33%, 33%, and 34% they fill their allotted spaces, but if I set three content blocks for Smugmug-hosted video with the same specs they will not fill their allotted spaces? The video frames in Smugmug video content blocks seem to fill only about 85% of the width, leaving big gaps that can't be filled.
Aaron, any chance of a quick fix for this?
Since this issue has been around for a while now I won't pull an engineer or a project they're currently working on, but I will throw this into our backlog to fix soon. I'll let ya know as we progress with it.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: