Stormy Night at the Airport

There was some nasty weather in the Charlotte area Tuesday evening, and I was hoping we were going to get some interesting diversions into CLT. Instead, we got some ugly thunderstorms that closed the ramp for close to an hour, creating a huge back up. At one point, tower said there were over 40 inbound aircraft sitting on various taxiways trying to get to the ramp, while nothing at the terminal could leave since the rampers were all inside avoiding the lightning.
1 - Before the weather got bad:

2 - A ramp full of airplanes with no particular place to go.

3 - Delta operations waiting for the all clear.

4 - American Airlines ramp get back to business

5 - A line of arriving flights waiting on the taxiway for their turn at a gate.

6 - Lightning strike south of the airport - this was after the worst of the weather passed through.
1 - Before the weather got bad:

2 - A ramp full of airplanes with no particular place to go.

3 - Delta operations waiting for the all clear.

4 - American Airlines ramp get back to business

5 - A line of arriving flights waiting on the taxiway for their turn at a gate.

6 - Lightning strike south of the airport - this was after the worst of the weather passed through.

The Moose is Loose!
--- Denise
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