Green Tortoise Beetles Mating
These were all shot on the leaves of balm plants in our garden the leaves of which have much more yellow colour than most foliage. However, that is where the beetles chose to live.
The first image was taken two weeks before the others. There is something about the appearance, reminding me of two hooded characters, that appeals to me.
The others involved a female feeding during mating, something I have not observed before. Showing this in an image proved elusive but I have captured the best head image so far. I would like to have shown the head exposed in both male and female in the same frame but have had to settle for one or the other.
The images described above were all shot with the Kiron 105mm at f16 and with twin RC TTL flash, 1/250 and ISO 400 (first image) or 800, hand-held.
The dark shapes on the leaf surface are holes chewed by the beetles.
The final image was to show the eyes better than in previous attempts. I used the Schneider HM 40 reversed, at f16, plus x1.4 TC, twin RC TTL flash at 1/250 and ISO 400, hand-held. The image is uncropped (FOV 6mm).
All with EM-1 in manual mode.

The first image was taken two weeks before the others. There is something about the appearance, reminding me of two hooded characters, that appeals to me.
The others involved a female feeding during mating, something I have not observed before. Showing this in an image proved elusive but I have captured the best head image so far. I would like to have shown the head exposed in both male and female in the same frame but have had to settle for one or the other.
The images described above were all shot with the Kiron 105mm at f16 and with twin RC TTL flash, 1/250 and ISO 400 (first image) or 800, hand-held.
The dark shapes on the leaf surface are holes chewed by the beetles.
The final image was to show the eyes better than in previous attempts. I used the Schneider HM 40 reversed, at f16, plus x1.4 TC, twin RC TTL flash at 1/250 and ISO 400, hand-held. The image is uncropped (FOV 6mm).
All with EM-1 in manual mode.

Brian v.