Replace custom social icon with linked in icon

site is
Since SmugMug has dropped Linkedin from their social offers, I'm wanting to use the custom link for that. Any clue how to change the link icon to Linkedin?
Since SmugMug has dropped Linkedin from their social offers, I'm wanting to use the custom link for that. Any clue how to change the link icon to Linkedin?
Todd Atteberry
The Green Man Design Studio
The Green Man Design Studio
The "image path" is the new icon - 40x40 png file.
.sm-page-widget-social-links-link .sm-official .sm-fonticon
background-image: url("image path");
height: 40px;
width: 40px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: top center;
color: transparent;
.sm-fonticon-LinkSquare:before {
display: none;
sm-fonticon-Link:before {
display: none;
.sm-user-ui .sm-page-widget-social-links-link .sm-official .sm-fonticon:before {
display: none;
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The Green Man Design Studio