Bug odds and sods 14-06

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden. 5dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash except the last 2 - 600D sigma 105 OS.
Some have been focus stacked using zerene
Mating carpet beetle - I can't look

Mating carpet beetles - I can

An adult spittle bug steps out of the foam bath

Narcissus fly hoverfly on ground elder

Sweat bee Lasioglossum species feeding on ground elder. Natural light

Some have been focus stacked using zerene
Mating carpet beetle - I can't look

Mating carpet beetles - I can

An adult spittle bug steps out of the foam bath

Narcissus fly hoverfly on ground elder

Sweat bee Lasioglossum species feeding on ground elder. Natural light

Thanks for looking and commenting SB
Brian v.