Keywording For Smart Galleries
Just need some help with Smart Galleries. I used to send CD's to customers with all their photos from an event. I then started to drag photos from Lightroom into a collection and upload to my website from there & then send them a download link to the gallery. Smart Galleries is a faster way for me to do this but I can't seem to get it right. I use photo Mechanic to initially load my memory cards into but i can keyword in Photo Mechanic before the event, this data would then go onto each photo.
My plan is to make empty galleries for each rider i have at an event on Smugmug. Keyword all the riders before the event along with the event location and the date Etc. then put the riders name Etc. in the 5 rules you get for a gallery.
What keywords work best, when i have tried a few Smart Galleries it pick up keywords that were in other galleries ! There is also an 'All' or 'Any' check box that would have to be set in the rules.
Does this sound like a plan ?
Just need some help with Smart Galleries. I used to send CD's to customers with all their photos from an event. I then started to drag photos from Lightroom into a collection and upload to my website from there & then send them a download link to the gallery. Smart Galleries is a faster way for me to do this but I can't seem to get it right. I use photo Mechanic to initially load my memory cards into but i can keyword in Photo Mechanic before the event, this data would then go onto each photo.
My plan is to make empty galleries for each rider i have at an event on Smugmug. Keyword all the riders before the event along with the event location and the date Etc. then put the riders name Etc. in the 5 rules you get for a gallery.
What keywords work best, when i have tried a few Smart Galleries it pick up keywords that were in other galleries ! There is also an 'All' or 'Any' check box that would have to be set in the rules.
Does this sound like a plan ?
Here is how I use Photo Mechanic, Smart Galleries, Smugmug and Lightroom.. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.. Member
You don't have to use all of the rules but adding multiple rules can make sure that you're showing ALL of the images you want and ONLY the images you want.
The ANY and ALL toggle lets you limit or expand the range. So as an example, if you set two rules keyword "John Smith" and gallery Explorers if you set the any/all toggle to any we will find any images that match EITHER of those rules so you will have all images from the Explorers gallery and all images with the keyword John Smith. If you set the any/all toggle to all the results would be limited to images that match both rules, meaning we'd only show images from the Explorers gallery and only if they are also containing the keyword John Smith.
I have never used Photo Mechanic so, I'm not sure how you can keyword photos before you take them but, the workflow you're describing has you uploading all of the images to one gallery on SmugMug then, using the smart rules to split the images up into the galleries for each runner which you can then use to generate download links. This should work just as you'd like as long as the images are properly keyworded.
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Hi David, that's great.
I used Photo Mechanic for the first time last weekend, typically I usually shoot about 3,000 photos so it was a big help with culling. I put general keywords into PM (location, event Etc) before i uploaded the photos from the cards, then selected the riders fro the Smart Galleries & put a keyword in for them. I then edited in Lightroom & uploaded from there to my website, the uploading took hours which holds me up a bit, i need to try & get around this. I upload original files at 70% JPEG compression at 300Dpi, this gives about 4mb files on my website. The smart galleries worked a treat but Smugmug had a bug with mobile downloads from the galleries so they had to be downloaded via laptop or PC !
I am really interested in Code Replacement but if I'm honest I don't think i could get my head around it !
Just one thing if you can help, to speed up my uploads i am thinking of reducing the file sizes. I mainly sell downloads from Smugmug, small & original (the original doesn't spacify a size) and probably the largest prints are 12" x 8". What size would you recommend for me to set in Lightroom to upload if say largest print size would be A3 ?
Hope you can help.
Thanks Christina.
The Smart Galleries worked a treat