Smart filters combining AND and OR
It looks like right now I can only do a gallery-wide setting for whether the filters are combined with "AND" or "OR" (which is called "All" or "Any" at the bottom of the list). Is there no way to mix AND and OR? For example, I want to have a smart gallery with images of a person who is tagged in some photos with their maiden name and in others with their married name (an OR/any combination). I'd also like this smart gallery to only pull images from a particular source gallery (an AND/all combination). Is there a way to do this? Ideally, each line would allow me to specify AND/OR and group them (boolean logic combinations).
Create 2 smart galleries to use as the source.
> gallery 1 = specified gallery and maiden name
> gallery 2 = specified gallery and married name
Then create a 3rd smart gallery that specifies gallery1 and gallery2.
Give your viewers the name of the 3rd gallery.
Please post back and let us know if this works for you.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at