(Horse) Fly on the Wall
My wife called me out into the garden to see a large fly. It was sitting on the, sunlit, vertical, brick wall of the house and seemed to be in a convenient position for photography, adjacent to a pub-type bench table. As it turned out, neither sitting or kneeling on the seat got me quite close enough. Supporting my weight on my shins got the job done but is near the bottom of the list for comfort!
The wings were not mottled, so it was not one of the Cleg species we regularly encounter, neither did it have the bright green eyes of the Deerfly. It did have a single coloured stripe across each eye, a first for me. It was a Banded-eye Brown Horsefly Tabanus bromius.
The last image lacks some DOF but shows what the species looks like.
EM-1, Kiron 105mm, f16, twin TTL RC flash, hand-held.

The wings were not mottled, so it was not one of the Cleg species we regularly encounter, neither did it have the bright green eyes of the Deerfly. It did have a single coloured stripe across each eye, a first for me. It was a Banded-eye Brown Horsefly Tabanus bromius.
The last image lacks some DOF but shows what the species looks like.
EM-1, Kiron 105mm, f16, twin TTL RC flash, hand-held.