Natural light bug odds and sods 01-07

Some recent natural light shots from the garden. 600D/Sigma 105 OS some have been focus stacked using zerene.
Brian V.
Painted lady butterfly on the garden path

Cross-eye stereogram

Spider "face" rear end of a small orbweb spider Araniella cucurbitina

Male missing sector orbweb spider Xygiella x-notata clearing raindrops from it's web.

Green lacewing

Bumble bee on hebe

Brian V.
Painted lady butterfly on the garden path

Cross-eye stereogram

Spider "face" rear end of a small orbweb spider Araniella cucurbitina

Male missing sector orbweb spider Xygiella x-notata clearing raindrops from it's web.

Green lacewing

Bumble bee on hebe

Thanks SB
Brian V.