Bug odds and sods 04-07

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden. Natural light 600D/sigma 105 OS. Others (full flash) 5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash. Some have been focus stacked using zerene.
Brian V.
Sweat bee and Hoverfly Volucella pellucens on ground elder. Natural light

Narcissus fly hoverfly Meredon equestris. Natural light

Hoverfly Volucella pellucens in flight. Natural light

Small soldier fly Pachygaster leachii

Digger wasp in nest hole. Ectemnius sp.

Chalcid wasp on the house wall. Monodontomerus sp.

Muscid fly on bonsai acer leaf. Natural light

Plant bug on fence. Natural light. Scolopostethus sp.
Brian V.
Sweat bee and Hoverfly Volucella pellucens on ground elder. Natural light

Narcissus fly hoverfly Meredon equestris. Natural light

Hoverfly Volucella pellucens in flight. Natural light

Small soldier fly Pachygaster leachii

Digger wasp in nest hole. Ectemnius sp.

Chalcid wasp on the house wall. Monodontomerus sp.

Muscid fly on bonsai acer leaf. Natural light

Plant bug on fence. Natural light. Scolopostethus sp.

A very nice set. That digger wasp is a good find.
Thanks for the comments SB and Harold
Brian v.