Jewel wasp sequence

Jewel wasp sequence. 5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash.
Brian V.
I've seen this jewel wasp - Pseudomalus auratus - several times on the leaves of an abutilon.

I watched it for quite a while and noticed it was making excursions under the leaves and down the stem to where some aphids together with red ants were in evidence.

It carefully avoided the ants and eventually found an aphid on top of a flower bud.

It then went into typical stinging or egg laying pose and stung the aphid.

It stayed in this pose for about 1 minute... and then much to my surprise started eating the aphid

30 seconds later it had finished and decided my nearby hand was a good place to clean up
Brian V.
I've seen this jewel wasp - Pseudomalus auratus - several times on the leaves of an abutilon.

I watched it for quite a while and noticed it was making excursions under the leaves and down the stem to where some aphids together with red ants were in evidence.

It carefully avoided the ants and eventually found an aphid on top of a flower bud.

It then went into typical stinging or egg laying pose and stung the aphid.

It stayed in this pose for about 1 minute... and then much to my surprise started eating the aphid

30 seconds later it had finished and decided my nearby hand was a good place to clean up

Brian V.