I am using the same code as above and to no avail.
Is this the most recent code?
My page name stays the same ... checked in Firefox and in Safari.
Jason -
For some reason I wasn't able to get Gary's code to work for me either. It clearly works for him though...
At the time I was fighting with this, I went through the entire thread and found that there were a couple of variations of the code. The javascript that worked for me is in this post (earlier in this thread) - http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=546098&postcount=76. Maybe that version will work for you too - obviously after editing to remove my title and breadcrumb start).
Jason -
For some reason I wasn't able to get Gary's code to work for me either. It clearly works for him though...
At the time I was fighting with this, I went through the entire thread and found that there were a couple of variations of the code. The javascript that worked for me is in this post (earlier in this thread) - http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=546098&postcount=76. Maybe that version will work for you too - obviously after editing to remove my title and breadcrumb start).
--- Denise
Sweet! That did it ... all the right stuff is showing up on the headlines now.
I think thats the good code!!
Will all of those headlines be indexable (is that a word?!) by Google?
There is, of course, no "official" version of this code, but I would like for mine to become the best-supported version (not because it's mine because it's the most recent of the various revisions -- in fact, I don't care if somebody else wants to own it). So I would like to be able to fix whatever it is that was wrong with it in your galleries. If you're game, let's set something up? Maybe you could just create a non-public gallery and dump my script into it?
This morning I went back through this entire thread, clicking on galleries to see if anyone else's customization still worked. I found that most of the people who posted in this thread are back to the standard title bar with no indication of where the viewer is in the site. The only person who had a changing title bar was Mike Fried. So, I changed my customization from the one I posted in this entry - http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=544195&postcount=74 - to one that looks like Mike's. I just needed to add in some code for subcategories.
added at 3:14PM EDT - Gary Glass's title bar also still shows the gallery name; somehow I missed it on my initial wander through the different galleries referenced in this thread.
The code that is currently working for me:
// On IE/FF set the title before the Document OnLoad takes place
document.title = "from the eyes of Denise Goldberg";
addEvent( window, "load", CustomizeTitle );
function CustomizeTitle()
var baseTitle = "from the eyes of Denise Goldberg";
var separator = " - ";
var albumTitle = GetText( document.getElementById("albumTitle") );
var galleryTitle = GetText( document.getElementById("galleryTitle") );
var subCatTitle = GetText ( document.getElementById("subCatGalleryTitle") );
var singleImage = document.body.className && document.body.className.indexOf("singleImage") > -1 ? true : false;
var pageTypeDefined = typeof( pageType ) != "undefined";
var pageTypeDetailsDefined = typeof( pageTypeDetails ) != "undefined";
// Don't change the title from the above document.title on the homepage
if( document.body.className && document.body.className.indexOf("homepage") > -1 )
document.title = baseTitle + separator + "Home";
// An album page (holds a bunch of photos, could be "zoomed in" on a specific photo)
if( albumTitle )
var photoTitle = GetPhotoTitle();
if( photoTitle )
document.title = baseTitle + separator + albumTitle + separator + photoTitle;
document.title = baseTitle + separator + albumTitle;
// A gallery page (holds a bunch of albums and/or a bunch of sub categories)
if( galleryTitle )
// Strip " sub-categories" off the end of the category text
var finalPositionCategory = galleryTitle.indexOf(" sub-categories");
if( finalPositionCategory > -1 )
galleryTitle = galleryTitle.substr( 0, finalPositionCategory );
// Strip " galleries" off the end of the category/sub-category text
var finalPositionSubCategory = galleryTitle.indexOf(" galleries");
if( finalPositionSubCategory > -1 )
galleryTitle = galleryTitle.substr( 0, finalPositionSubCategory );
document.title = baseTitle + separator + galleryTitle;
// Pick up sub-category
if( subCatTitle )
// Strip " sub-categories" off the end of the category text
var finalPositionCategory = subCatTitle.indexOf(" sub-categories");
if( finalPositionCategory > -1 )
galleryTitle = subCatTitle.substr( 0, finalPositionCategory );
// Strip " galleries" off the end of the category/sub-category text
var finalPositionSubCategory = subCatTitle.indexOf(" galleries");
if( finalPositionSubCategory > -1 )
galleryTitle = subCatTitle.substr( 0, finalPositionSubCategory );
document.title = baseTitle + separator + galleryTitle;
// A single image (like the kind you get when you click an image in a keyword page)
if( singleImage )
var photoTitle = GetPhotoTitle();
if( photoTitle )
document.title = baseTitle + separator + photoTitle;
document.title = baseTitle + separator + "untitled photo";
// A single keyword page
if( pageTypeDefined && pageType == 'Keyword' && pageTypeDetailsDefined )
// Keyword page
document.title = baseTitle + separator + "Keyword: " + pageTypeDetails;
// A multiple keyword page
if( pageTypeDefined && pageType == 'Keywords' && pageTypeDetailsDefined )
// Multiple keywords page
// Put " + " between each keyword instead of -
var keywordList = pageTypeDetails;
keywordList = keywordList.replace(/\-/g, " + ");
document.title = baseTitle + separator + "Keywords: " + keywordList;
// The main keywords page. Note: single image takes precedence over this type
if( document.body.className && document.body.className.indexOf("keywordPage") > -1 )
// Main Keywords Page
document.title = baseTitle + separator + "Keywords";
// None of the rules above set the title! Oh well, fall back on the base title.
document.title = baseTitle;
} // CustomizeTitle
function Trim( text )
text = text.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, ""); // trim leading and trailing white space
return text;
} // Trim
function GetText( node )
if( !node )
return "";
if( node.innerText )
return Trim( node.innerText ); // For IE
if( node.textContent )
return Trim( node.textContent ); // For others
return "";
} // GetText
function GetPhotoTitle()
// If the photo title is set, it starts with the breadcrumb.
var breadCrumbStart = "Denise Goldberg > ";
var mainPhoto = document.getElementById("mainPhoto");
if( !mainPhoto || !mainPhoto.title || mainPhoto.title.indexOf( breadCrumbStart ) != 0 )
return "";
return Trim( mainPhoto.title.substr( breadCrumbStart.length ) );
} // GetPhotoTitle
I'd love to know why my previous code (basically copied from devbobo's entry) stopped working. But for now I guess I just have to accept reality...
--- Denise
If anyone is still wondering about this, the code above worked fine for me. I simply placed the code in javascript, changed the titles, and that's it. Pretty good for cut and pasters like myself!
You also have to have a call to ContextualizeTitle() somewhere. I would update the wiki with a "how to" but now when I log in I go to a page that says "You are not permitted to perform this operation." Anybody else have this trouble?
Very cool, it mostly worked. It does recognize my Galleries page as Home though since it was created as a copy of the homepage. What's the best way to detect that and swap the name to Galleries? Can I just detect the .galleries class?
You also have to have a call to ContextualizeTitle() somewhere. I would update the wiki with a "how to" but now when I log in I go to a page that says "You are not permitted to perform this operation." Anybody else have this trouble?
Gary - it doesn't look like you ever got a chance to update this as the Wiki was last updated a couple of months before this post. Where do you need to add this call? TIA.
Gary - it doesn't look like you ever got a chance to update this as the Wiki was last updated a couple of months before this post. Where do you need to add this call? TIA.
Never mind Gary. I found that it needs to go in the Footer Javascript (at least that's where it works for me). Thanks a lot for putting this code out there.
Hello everyone I would like to do this but I am really lost and confused after reading all the post here I dont know what to do or what goes where or what code to use..
My website is http://digitalpins.smugmug.com/ if any of you can help and tell me what to remove or what to past where that would be greatly appreciated.
Why for my custom domain when I search for my website in google the description is all wrong..... and how can how can I take out that smugmug description text below my name and replace it with my own description text
Again if anyone can help its greatly appreciated..
Why for my custom domain when I search for my website in google the description is all wrong..... and how can how can I take out that smugmug description text below my name and replace it with my own description text.
I can't answer why your two urls show different text.
But - the text in google's search results comes from your bio box. Scroll down to "Gotcha" in the Flash slideshow help for information on how to make your search results look better - http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/SmugMug/Flash+Slideshow.
I can't answer why your two urls show different text.
But - the text in google's search results comes from your bio box. Scroll down to "Gotcha" in the Flash slideshow help for information on how to make your search results look better - http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/SmugMug/Flash+Slideshow.
--- Denise
Ok thanks denise I tried different things this weekend and I still cant figure out why my two urls show different text.....
but thanks for the "Gotcha" info I will fix that little part for now...
I saw this awesome work on SmugMug's Titlebar customization. I had 3 questions.
1. Is it possible to come up with code that would reverse the order of the Main site title with the gallery title with the hidden powered by SmugMug part at the end? Example:
White Water Rafting: Matt George Photography (Hidden - powered by SmugMug)
Having the gallery title at the beginning of the title tag will give it more SEO relevance in Google. I mention the hidden - powered by SmugMug title because even though it is hidden when browsing, it will still come up in Google's index and for this reason it's best to stay at the end for less SEO competition with the main title keywords.
2. Is it possible to switch out the main site title with a generic user created keyword term? Instead of Matt George Photography, use photos instead.
White Water Rafting: Photos (Hidden - powered by SmugMug)
3. Is it possible to completely eradicate the main site title from a gallery and category page title tags? Example:
White Water Rafting (Hidden - powered by SmugMug)
Thanks everyone for your work on this awesome alternative to SmugMug's default titlebar system.
Well it ended up being a substantial rewrite. But it's a lot easier to follow now. Here we go:
customize page title settings
var titleSettings = {
separator : ": ", // Text to insert between parts of title.
maxLength : -1, // Limits length of title (-1 == no limit).
doPhotos : true, // true == append photo captions
doAlbums : true, // true == append album names
doGalleries : true, // true == append gallery names
stripSmugmug : true, // true == remove " - powered by SmugMug" from title bar text
inverse : false, // true == reverse order of home/gallery/album/photo
siteTitle : null // null == use normal site title. "" == suppress site title. "Any Value" == replaces normal site title.
function ContextualizeTitle ()
var pieces = new TitlePieces();
var newTitle = "";
if (titleSettings.inverse)
newTitle = MakeTitleBackward();
newTitle = MakeTitleForward();
if (titleSettings.maxLength > -1)
newTitle = newTitle.substr(0, titleSettings.maxLength);
if (titleSettings.stripSmugmug == false)
newTitle += " - powered by SmugMug";
document.title = newTitle;
function MakeTitleBackward ()
var title = "";
title += pieces.Photo
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Album.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Album;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Gallery.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Gallery;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Main.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Main;
return title;
function MakeTitleForward ()
var title = "";
title += pieces.Main;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Gallery.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Gallery;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Album.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Album;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Photo.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Photo
return title;
function TitlePieces ()
this.Main = GetMainTitle();
this.Gallery = GetGalleryTitle();
this.Album = GetAlbumTitle();
this.Photo = GetPhotoTitle();
function GetMainTitle ()
var value = titleSettings.siteTitle;
if (value == null)
var index = document.title.indexOf("- powered by SmugMug");
value = document.title.substr(0, index);
return value;
function GetGalleryTitle ()
var value = "";
if (titleSettings.doGalleries)
var element = document.getElementById("galleryTitle");
if (element)
value = GetTextContent(element);
if (value.length > 0)
// remove " galleries" from title
var index = value.indexOf(" galleries");
if (index > -1)
value = value.substr(0, index);
return value;
function GetAlbumTitle ()
var value = "";
if (titleSettings.doAlbums)
var element = document.getElementById("albumTitle");
if (element)
value = GetTextContent(element);
return value;
function GetPhotoTitle ()
var value = "";
if (titleSettings.doPhotos)
var element = document.getElementById("caption_bottom");
if (!element)
element = document.getElementById("caption_top");
if (element)
value = GetTextContent(element);
return value;
Yes, it is working on my site. There is a setting you have to make on your site customization. It's been so long since I did it -- but I think maybe it's that you have to set a custom title (on the site wide customizations page). If you go back thru this thread you'll see somebody mentions it.
I'm having the same problem. How did you fix this? Thanks!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use the new code. Very sad indeed. I had to use the code from the wiki page in the top JavaScript portion of my site-wide customization page.
Then I put this code below on the Body Tag space on the site-wide customization page.
body onload="ContextualizeTitle();"
You will need to add < and > to the code above. < goes in front of the body onload code and this arrow > goes at the end of the body onload code. There are no spaces when you put the arrows in the code.
I suspect I know what the problem is. I'm guessing you guys may have copied the new code I posted over the entire code in the previous version. I had only rewritten the Contextualize title class itself. I didn't change any of the little helper methods it relies on and I didn't re-post them. So if you replaced the previous version in its entirety with just the new class code, the new class won't work because it won't be able to find the helper methods. I'm re-posting here the entire thing. And I'm marking the utility methods especially. I'll also update the wiki.
ContextualizeTitle Settings
var titleSettings = {
separator : ": ", // Text to insert between parts of title.
maxLength : -1, // Limits length of title (-1 == no limit).
doPhotos : true, // true == append photo captions
doAlbums : true, // true == append album names
doGalleries : true, // true == append gallery names
stripSmugmug : true, // true == remove " - powered by SmugMug" from title bar text
inverse : false, // true == reverse order of home/gallery/album/photo
siteTitle : null // null == use normal site title. "" == suppress site title. "Any Value" == replaces normal site title.
ContextualizeTitle Class
function ContextualizeTitle ()
var pieces = new TitlePieces();
var newTitle = "";
if (titleSettings.inverse)
newTitle = MakeTitleBackward();
newTitle = MakeTitleForward();
if (titleSettings.maxLength > -1)
newTitle = newTitle.substr(0, titleSettings.maxLength);
if (titleSettings.stripSmugmug == false)
newTitle += " - powered by SmugMug";
document.title = newTitle;
function MakeTitleBackward ()
var title = "";
title += pieces.Photo
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Album.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Album;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Gallery.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Gallery;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Main.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Main;
return title;
function MakeTitleForward ()
var title = "";
title += pieces.Main;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Gallery.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Gallery;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Album.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Album;
if (title.length > 0
&& pieces.Photo.length > 0)
title += titleSettings.separator;
title += pieces.Photo
return title;
function TitlePieces ()
this.Main = GetMainTitle();
this.Gallery = GetGalleryTitle();
this.Album = GetAlbumTitle();
this.Photo = GetPhotoTitle();
function GetMainTitle ()
var value = titleSettings.siteTitle;
if (value == null)
var index = document.title.indexOf("- powered by SmugMug");
value = document.title.substr(0, index);
return value;
function GetGalleryTitle ()
var value = "";
if (titleSettings.doGalleries)
var element = document.getElementById("galleryTitle");
if (element)
value = GetTextContent(element);
if (value.length > 0)
// remove " galleries" from title
var index = value.indexOf(" galleries");
if (index > -1)
value = value.substr(0, index);
return value;
function GetAlbumTitle ()
var value = "";
if (titleSettings.doAlbums)
var element = document.getElementById("albumTitle");
if (element)
value = GetTextContent(element);
return value;
function GetPhotoTitle ()
var value = "";
if (titleSettings.doPhotos)
var element = document.getElementById("caption_bottom");
if (!element)
element = document.getElementById("caption_top");
if (element)
value = GetTextContent(element);
return value;
} // end of ContextualTitle class
Utility Methods
function GetPhotoCaption()
var caption = "";
var photoTitle = document.getElementById("caption_bottom");
photoTitle = document.getElementById("caption_top");
caption = GetTextContent(photoTitle);
return caption;
function GetTextContent(node)
var text = "";
text = GetTextContent(node.firstChild);
text = node.nodeValue; // IE
text = node.textContent; // mozilla
text = Trim(text);
return text;
function Trim(text)
var regexp = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
text = text.replace(regexp, "");
return text;
function IsHomePage()
var isHomePage = false;
// test for the "homepage" class name in the <BODY> tag
var classStr = document.body.className;
if (classStr && (classStr.indexOf("homepage") != -1))
isHomePage = true;
return isHomePage;
I suspect I know what the problem is. I'm guessing you guys may have copied the new code I posted over the entire code in the previous version. I had only rewritten the Contextualize title class itself. I didn't change any of the little helper methods it relies on and I didn't re-post them. So if you replaced the previous version in its entirety with just the new class code, the new class won't work because it won't be able to find the helper methods. I'm re-posting here the entire thing.
I have used the latest code in this post to customize my Page Titles. All is working fine, but I still want to achieve the following:
Change the name of my landing page from "Galleries" to "Home". My landing page (where bio info is) seems to be called "Galleries". I want this changed I do not know how??
Lastly, I want to reverse the order of my Page title by FIRST showing the "page name" followed by "page title text"
e.g. Go from: "PageTitleText: Packages" TO "Packages: PageTitleText" See example of someone else that achieved this HERE
Please can someone help with this as I am not experienced with CSS and HTML.
I am using the same code as above and to no avail.
Is this the most recent code?
My page name stays the same ... checked in Firefox and in Safari.
For some reason I wasn't able to get Gary's code to work for me either. It clearly works for him though...
At the time I was fighting with this, I went through the entire thread and found that there were a couple of variations of the code. The javascript that worked for me is in this post (earlier in this thread) - http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=546098&postcount=76. Maybe that version will work for you too - obviously after editing to remove my title and breadcrumb start).
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Sweet! That did it ... all the right stuff is showing up on the headlines now.
I think thats the good code!!
Will all of those headlines be indexable (is that a word?!) by Google?
Have at it.
FYI I got this and it appears to be functioning on FF 2.0.0. I haven't looked at IE or Safari (yet).
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
If anyone is still wondering about this, the code above worked fine for me. I simply placed the code in javascript, changed the titles, and that's it. Pretty good for cut and pasters like myself!
Can't get it to work. Using the Dummies version.
Could we get a "what parts go where" in the wiki please?
The code all goes in your javascript box.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Site is: http://asaf.smugmug.com
Gary - it doesn't look like you ever got a chance to update this as the Wiki was last updated a couple of months before this post. Where do you need to add this call? TIA.
Never mind Gary. I found that it needs to go in the Footer Javascript (at least that's where it works for me). Thanks a lot for putting this code out there.
My website is http://digitalpins.smugmug.com/ if any of you can help and tell me what to remove or what to past where that would be greatly appreciated.
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
And then if I search for www.digitalpins.smugmug.com in google I get it looking the way I want
Why for my custom domain when I search for my website in google the description is all wrong..... and how can how can I take out that smugmug description text below my name and replace it with my own description text
Again if anyone can help its greatly appreciated..
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
But - the text in google's search results comes from your bio box. Scroll down to "Gotcha" in the Flash slideshow help for information on how to make your search results look better - http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/SmugMug/Flash+Slideshow.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Ok thanks denise I tried different things this weekend and I still cant figure out why my two urls show different text.....
but thanks for the "Gotcha" info I will fix that little part for now...
Thank you
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
I saw this awesome work on SmugMug's Titlebar customization. I had 3 questions.
1. Is it possible to come up with code that would reverse the order of the Main site title with the gallery title with the hidden powered by SmugMug part at the end? Example:
White Water Rafting: Matt George Photography (Hidden - powered by SmugMug)
Having the gallery title at the beginning of the title tag will give it more SEO relevance in Google. I mention the hidden - powered by SmugMug title because even though it is hidden when browsing, it will still come up in Google's index and for this reason it's best to stay at the end for less SEO competition with the main title keywords.
2. Is it possible to switch out the main site title with a generic user created keyword term? Instead of Matt George Photography, use photos instead.
White Water Rafting: Photos (Hidden - powered by SmugMug)
3. Is it possible to completely eradicate the main site title from a gallery and category page title tags? Example:
White Water Rafting (Hidden - powered by SmugMug)
Thanks everyone for your work on this awesome alternative to SmugMug's default titlebar system.
Matt George
I tried implementing the new code and it doesn't seem to work. I'm using it in conjunction of
All I get is my site title throughout my website.
Any ideas what the problem is? And does it work on your site?
Thanks everyone for all of your hard work towards this awesome project.
Matt George
Thanks so much that is working and fixed all the problems I had
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
I'm having the same problem. How did you fix this? Thanks!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use the new code. Very sad indeed. I had to use the code from the wiki page in the top JavaScript portion of my site-wide customization page.
Here is where the code is:
Then I put this code below on the Body Tag space on the site-wide customization page.
You will need to add < and > to the code above. < goes in front of the body onload code and this arrow > goes at the end of the body onload code. There are no spaces when you put the arrows in the code.
Let me know if this works for you.
Matt George
That did it! Thank you!
Perfect! Thanks!
I have used the latest code in this post to customize my Page Titles. All is working fine, but I still want to achieve the following:
- Change the name of my landing page from "Galleries" to "Home". My landing page (where bio info is) seems to be called "Galleries". I want this changed I do not know how??
- Lastly, I want to reverse the order of my Page title by FIRST showing the "page name" followed by "page title text"
- e.g. Go from: "PageTitleText: Packages" TO "Packages: PageTitleText" See example of someone else that achieved this HERE
Please can someone help with this as I am not experienced with CSS and HTML.Thanks
My website is HERE