Hide captions in Journal gallery style
The code .sm-tile-caption {display:none} works well in other galleries, but not in the Journal gallery style. Do I need another code to hide captions in this gallery style (if I want to show titles, but not captions)?
In the gallery http://www.denisegoldberg.com/Medley/galleries-by-date/n-GzNHG/ I use both title and caption.
Using firebug on the title of the first image I see: Using firebug on the caption of the first image I see: Without a class name I don't know how to suppress the caption.
Hopefully someone else has a better answer!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
.sm-journal-inlineedit p:nth-of-type(3) {
background: red;
It is site wide for all journal style pages so specific page class name CSS like .sm-page-node-GzNHG
would need to be added to target single pages/galleries.
.sm-page-node-GzNHG .sm-journal-inlineedit p:nth-of-type(3) {
background: red;
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