Black-veined White from the Zagori in Northern Greece
Some of the images from our trip in June 2012 were a little soft. I now have better software and, although then images are not as I would like, some are more presentable.
The Black-veined White was just about hanging on in extreme southeast England until it became extinct about 90 years ago. It is supposed to be common on mainland Europe but I had never seen in on my various visits until I found these in Greece.
EP-2 (Aperture Priority), Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit 60mm macro. 1/640 & 1/500, f11 (?), ISO 00, hand-held.

The Black-veined White was just about hanging on in extreme southeast England until it became extinct about 90 years ago. It is supposed to be common on mainland Europe but I had never seen in on my various visits until I found these in Greece.
EP-2 (Aperture Priority), Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit 60mm macro. 1/640 & 1/500, f11 (?), ISO 00, hand-held.

Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
I put the other one in as a typical view. It is a bit soft.