Mini Challenge #229: Public Art, RESULTS

pegellipegelli Registered Users Posts: 8,980 Major grins
edited July 18, 2016 in The Dgrin Challenges
You girls and guys made judging difficult but after looking again, and again, and again, and ....... I decided that I just need to make a verdict. It's my personal and subjective choice and I thank all of you for entering, every picture was worthwhile!

Travelways, especially liked your third, because the public and the art were so "intertwined"

Photografeeling, nice shot and it's a pity you only entered one. I was waiting for the one where he spit out the flames to follow on to this one

williaes, nice play of light in the first two, well done!

grandmaR, the third is priceless, so many6 layers of "art"

Earache, what a stunning set, all 3. But it's really the awkward look of the lady in the third that grabbed me most

BMW Kurt, fun set, all three. I find especially the first a nice selection of what looks like a larger mural

sarasphotos, also a strong set where for me the second takes the cake. Very well composed and a nice contrast between the pillars and the Eiffel tower

GSWayne, you certainly won the caption contest with your first. Also like the second a lot, but a pity you cut off the hand on the right.

jwear, I had difficulty finding the "public art" in the first two, but very nice shots anyway. The third is fun as well.

Cavalier, strong set. The architecture looks like a gnome hat. The third is nice as well, nicely isolated from what seems a busy place

Tony Cooper, very well done and funny! I don't mind composites like these at all

DonRicklin, all three nice, but the first is special the way you framed it. Fits very well together like this

CHANDLERJA, great B&W conversions those first two. Also the composition of the first works very well.

OrvSal, I really like the tight framing of the first one, the artist really blends in well with her art.

And now ............. drumroll .................. the results

HM 1: OrvSal

HM2: GrandmaR


Second: sarasphotos

FIRST PLACE and WINNER: Earache with "Gallery Art ~ Art can be, sometimes, well... awkward"

Congrats Eric, and looking forward to what you have in mind for us for the next mini challenge.
Pieter, aka pegelli
My SmugMug


  • sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins
    edited July 15, 2016
    Congratulations, Eric - I love that picture - it was the winner for me as well! Congrats also to Chandlerja - a great photo of what looks to be a very interesting place.

    Thanks so much Pieter for the 2nd place! In this crowd it's really an honor.

    Well, Eric, I'm really looking forward to what you'll come up with!
  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited July 15, 2016
    Everyone had great entries. It must have been hard to pick - and thanks for the HM
    “" adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • williaeswilliaes Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited July 15, 2016
    Congratulations Eric, That is a great story telling photo. It has a character, a subject and a verb all wrapped in one small frame. The others were great as well. This was fun! I will have to watch an participate more often.
    2 Corinthians 9:15
  • DonRicklinDonRicklin Registered Users Posts: 5,551 Major grins
    edited July 15, 2016
    pegelli wrote: »
    DonRicklin, all three nice, but the first is special the way you framed it. Fits very well together like this
    Pieter, thanks for the comments.

    Congrats to Eric for the win, and to all the great also rans.

    Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
    'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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  • OrvSalOrvSal Registered Users Posts: 461 Major grins
    edited July 15, 2016
    Thank you for the HM1 and for the kind comment on it.
    Have a great day!

    Thomson, Ga. USA
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited July 15, 2016
    Thank you for the nice comment and

    Congratulations to Erick - I liked that photo from the beginning clap.gif
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
  • EaracheEarache Registered Users Posts: 3,533 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2016
    Wow... Thanks Pieter, for the pick and such a great Mini - lots of very interesting and fun entries - well-done Sara and Jeromy and all the folks who participated!!
    Thanks also y'all for your kind comments and Pieter for the detailed feedback!
    Was so glad to see some folks return to the Mini, and some new folks also... it's always better when lots of Dgrinners jump-in!!

    My image is one of my favorites, and I credit my wife for dragging me to the Contemporary Art Museum that day... it was her birthday wish, so I had to go... I sure glad I dd!!

    I will get the next Mini up asap - later today or first thing in the morning... have a great day all!
    Eric ~ Smugmug
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2016
    Thank you for the nice comment , I know the 3 shots were not fitting the theme and did push it a bit lol but they were just for FUN .Good job on judging
    Jeff W

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