Meadow Grasshopper
These images are part of a series I shot yesterday. This individual was very tolerant of my flashes and walking or crawling around. The only con was that three large bramble leaves were right in the path of my preferred direction of lighting from the left, requiring re-angling of the gun. Also, in the second image, there was partial flash failure, requiring batteries to be replaced, but I like the result after brightening it. For these images, I prefer a slightly subdued lighting, which I think works well with the leathery textures. The background in the third one is a bit cluttered but I wanted the angle on the insect.
EM-1, Kiron 105, f16, twin TTL RC off-camera flash, hand-held.

EM-1, Kiron 105, f16, twin TTL RC off-camera flash, hand-held.

This is a female (ovipositor small in this species) Meadow Grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus.